Where can I get real item IDs? (Not UID) ZOllVllBIE Apr 28th 2014 thanks for replying guys.I just tried "30253"(29997+256) and "dustCopper".Unfortunately, Flan's mod still refuse to read these The recipe involving copper dust still appears to be blank.
Where can I get real item IDs? (Not UID) ZOllVllBIE Apr 19th 2014 Hi,I'm working on recipes of Flan's mod.But the IDs in IC2.cfg isn't working for Flan's mod.For example:I:itemDustCopper=29997Flan's Mod won't recognize "itemDustCopper".But Forestry works fine.Flan's mod recognize IDs in base.conf of Forestry.Like I:ingotCopper=5003"ingotCopper" works.Is it because the IDs in IC2.cfg aren't the real IDs?