I Tested wether it is a Facing problem of the Turbine controller or not. Seems like the Turbine has also some problems to build up while the turbine controller is facing South and West. North and East works fine. At least that would match with Chloes Post. However, if the Turbine Controller is facing north and east, there s still no energy output or steam consumption.
Did you hit it with a soft hammer? Steam produced by which mod?
What's the current state of Tcon working? If I want to have both running at the same time do I need to crack open TCon and take out the nasty code or has someone done something smart?
GT5 allways "worked" with TCon. There is just no cross mod support. I added a config to enable the OreDic Unification, so there is at last basic support.
I built the new IC2 fluid reactor, added 1 quad thorium cell and some heat vents (capable to transfer 48 heat). Reactor shows 144 hU/t (too much, I think).
gregtech: 5.08.19
IC2: 717
The max HU/t the heat vents can generate is set by the heat vents. The type of fuel should not change anything there. I got some reports that the thorium fuel produce too much heat and did some changes in the next version trying to fix that but heat vents with 48 heat transfer should output max 96hU/t if i'm right and that has nothing to to with the used fuel.
forg 1451 crash the client has not disappeared ((
Is there allready any mod that really needs the most recent forge version? If not, just stay with an older one for now. I will update once it is really nesseary.