Posts by NoneSuch

    This isn't necessarily affecting my gameplay, just thought I'd bring it to the attention of the community.

    I'm playing single-player using IC2 1.43 for reference. I just finished using my first miner+regular drill+OD scanner on a new map and got some strange readouts from the OD scanner after it finished mining. I scanned the block on top of the miner and got a readout of 8. That's understandable; there was either liquid or obsidian in the way. I started digging down and as I got deeper I got different results. After just 1 block the result went from 8 to 9. I dug deeper and eventually hit 12, then back to 8 then 10 and so on. I get to the very bottom of the shaft and I'm sitting on top of bedrock with an OD scanner result of 24.

    Again, not in any way affecting the game; just wondering what's going on here.

    Searched the forums, couldn't find anything quite like the issue I'm having.

    Playing on an SMP server. The standalone pump works fine with water; fills cells and pops 'em out. But when I try using the pump with the miner, the pump fills and then nothing happens. I stick the empty cells in the top slot and the pump just stays filled while the cells sit there. I remove the pump, replace it, then the miner is able to continue mining down but I lose the lava/water that was being stored in the pump. Suggestions?