Hazza!!!!!!!! Purple!
Posts by MrCoolDude
marthok and Narthok said thed see what they could do server wise but to get the files together is the problem
Its a private message, got it sometime today but because the time stuff is different thats why it shows that
He Was Online During The First Message That The Server Was Down (Though The Server Was down a while b4)
I just assume that he might have gotten hacked or somthing and they messed up with the stuff
Server Went Down Last Night Round 11pm Has not been up since
Looks interesting, cant wait to be back
Gettin High u? :3
Laser <3
You ladies need to get your tampons in order because your
mad cow diseasePMS is making a mess on this forum. We are all God's Children.A Reading From The Gospel According to John.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. You heard me say to you, `I go away, and I will come to you.' If you loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I go to the Father; for the Father is greater than I. And now I have told you before it takes place, so that when it does take place, you may believe. I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming. He has no power over me; but I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father.
The Gospel of The Lord.
*Praise to you lord Jesus Christ* -
Blue team does not have full Quantum.
:o What happened, and apperently blue got destroyed?
Dont panic mods were missing and all lamps turned into pipes so thats why your getting loads of crashes, ndel is working on putting all mods together will be ready soon :3
Thanks you Mensrea, we now updated to 1.2.5
We are just missing the addons and SDK guns so i might put those back if someone has a link to that.
The client download is here:
Alot of the perms and stuff are messed up so it will take some time
I really like spawn its really nice great work on it,
Im also having no luck with updating the serverI tried for a couple of hours yesterday but i couldn't manage so if someone would like to help id like it, unless your w8ing for 3.1,
Huge thunderstorm over Toronto and my Internets going out
I can prob do it if you guys send me the links to the mods you want, but i havent done this in a while so i dont know if ill be successful