Posts by shidima301

    Ok, so I've been bashing my poor little brain around and think I've got the greg eu and amperage worked out as it is somewhat documented.
    How about all the liquid pipes? I can't seem to find anything on how much liquid (steam) the steam machines actually can handle per tick.
    I was interested in creating one of the large bronze boilers and couldn't find much info on how much water it uses or steam it produces per tick. In creative mode the pipes seem to work similar to a tank, just fill completely up and dump to the next one, but what is the smalles pipe I can use and not bottle neck the flow of steam or vastly waste limited resources on a oversized pipe?
    All the electric machines have nice tool tips showing max eu/t. The steam machines/producers not so much. I know they have a warm up and cool down time where they are not as efficient but most of the time the machines should be at or near max efficienty.

    On a side note a in line psi gage for liquid pipes would be really cool... 8o