i tend to listen to bobby yarsulik's minecraft related stuff, or meme quality songs. the inception music works nicely too. only problem with bobby yarsulik is it makes me freak out cause he uses minecraft sounds in it.
Posts by Remuthra
I think for a real challenge, maybe an apocalypse is in order.
keep moving, keeping away from the spreading evil full of death and destruction which sweeps the land. you can hold it off for a time from your newest base, but it will overwhelm you. climb the tech trees and you may be able to defeat it, maybe by striking through the evil to its source and destroying it, or escaping into another dimension or something.
ooh, andmaybe a multiple worlds thing.
btw, why are my epic ideas so utterly impossible?
It's that word "might" that concerns me, though. We aren't exactly sure if your formula is the true one, so I'm sticking to the "staircase" ramping.
Now then, that aside... development of the simulator is nearing completion. All that's really left is output and design saving/loading.
For the output...
I'm dropping whether or not the reactor is destroyed - such a thing would be obvious anyways if it's classified as a Mark III or higher. Speaking of...
While I'm not going to code in pre-made designs (I'm sure people would be able to come up with and share design files anyways) I'm going to code in the Mark rating of the reactor design. It's also going to add the "Hungry," "-SUC" and "Breeder" modifiers if they apply - "Breeder" is applied only if it actually produces any Re-Enriched Cells.In any case, here's what I have for the output so far...
Display More{"Your Reactor Design: [mark] E[class] Efficiency of [round(efficiency,0.001)] using [count] Uranium Cells Outward Cooling: [outcool] Heat/Pulse Heat Generated: [heatgenerated] Heat Dispersed: [heatdisperse] Reactor End Heat: [reactorheat] Energy Produced: [energy] EU at [outputrate] EU per tick Completed Re-Enriched Cells: [completecells] Consumed Items: Ice Blocks: [ice] Water Buckets: [water] Coolant Cells: [coolant] Reactor Plating: [plating] Heat Dispersers: [disperser]"} -------------------------------- Key: [mark] = Completed Reactor Classification [class] = Efficiency Grade [efficiency] = Efficiency Value, rounded down to nearest 0.001 [count] = Number of Uranium Cells [outcool] = Value of outward cooling [heatgenerated] = Total Heat generated in one cycle [heatdispersed] = Total Heat dispersed in one cycle [reactorheat] = Heat of Reactor Hull [energy] = Total energy produced [outputrate] = Rate of energy output [completecells] = Number of completed Re-Enriched Cells [ice], [water], [coolant], [plating], [disperser] = number of named items destroyed
Anything else I should be adding?As far as the breeding pulse amounts go, Alblaka mentioned on another thread that it was a staircase method just like that, and would also not go higher than 9k
EDIT: Also, sorry for overquote, didnt really want to take the time to delete this huge mess
Maybe sometimes your teleporter might malfunction and take you to a different dimension with no way home
so you have to gather materials to craft an inter-dimensional portal so you can get back home! After that, you will have resources to make more portals so you can conquer the new dimension! Good idea?
Edit: This post sounds rather bad, doesn't it?