Posts by Ithithdui

    That was just me asking something that has plagued me since I first started modding. For some weird reason I cannot import a 3d model from techne into minecraft without messing up. Although in the future, I will most likely just look through the code until I figure out how to do something. After looking at the tutorials. (There are so many now compared to a few years ago.)

    Screws and rounds? Seems to me that we are robots then :D But I think we should wait what will come:)

    Screws will be used to make/fix machines, construct items, etc. Rounds will be used for weaponry (AE2 already adds the matter cannon which can use gregtech rounds. On another note I forgot to mention I would be adding more ways to dish out pain in this mod too)

    Rods and screws to fix joints and broken bones?

    Cybernetic replacement limbs?

    Robotic surrogates?

    • Yes
    • I didn't even think about that. Oh yes
    • Think Modular Power Suits except it isn't visible. But yes

    rubber pellets to fill your tumtum? calcium dust to increase bone strength?


    • You mean to quell stomach aches? Didn't think about that, but yes
    • Yes

    Hello fellow IC^2 players!
    A few days ago I was playing minecraft in creative mode and noticed while playing that gregtech has a humongous amount of items(bolts, screw, lenses, etc.) that you can make but don't really do much. I decided to change that. If you think the name is a bit weird then you should understand how I am going to add purpose to these items. I am going to redesign the player hit/damage system. And to fix your hurts you will need to use the formerly not-so-useful items.

    It will add not only ways to fix hurts, but ways to make hurts as well. Guns, lasers, dynamite launchers, etc.

    Downloads/Images/More Info later

    This mod will require not only Industrial craft ^2, but also Gregtech. I will be moving straight ahead to version 1.7.10 or 1.8, depending on how soon 1.8 is released.

    How I am going to implement this (in other words what I am going to do):

    When I am going to implement this: