Posts by baja

    I'm still baffled by the people I see in every game that suggest things that will only result in more misery and inconvenience. As for me, I play to have fun. If I wanted a game that felt like a job, I'd play EVE Online. If I wanted a game that was an exercise in despair, there's Star Wars Galaxies. 8o

    Thank you for the reply. Yes, this could be seen as adding more misery, but I believe it would also make IC2 a bit more realistic and would fit into the survival side of Minecraft nicely. Part of the game it to plan our your next move and take risks. Sometimes that means pushing machines to their limits and having the hope that you can just make it by until you get a bigger pile or resources.

    As the title says: machines break\explode if they are power cycled to quickly

    When ever I start a new world I know for the first bit of time I am scraping together my resources so I do not always have the ability to create a power grid that provides excess energy. This means that when I run some of my machines they quickly turn off and on as they use up the energy provided in one tick before the next tick provides more energy. You can see\hear this especially with Macerators. Just like in real life, if I quickly turn off and on an electric machine over a long period of time, say a blender I have in my kitchen, that blender is going to quickly give up on life and cease to answer my whimsical 'will it blend' questions.

    I am not certain how this quick power cycling would be tracked, but I think it would be more true to electric machines that if power to the machine is cycled on and off quickly the machine would either be destroyed and drop a Machine block or, if the machine is of a higher tier, maybe explode? That last part may be a bit evil as I can picture the lowly crafter just getting to use his first ever mining machine and maybe does not have enough power to keep it fully running. How sad would it be to see that thing explode knowing the amount time, blood, sweat, tears, etc... that went it to getting all the resources for that machine. On the other hand, that's life...

    Thank you for your consideration.
