Posts by Matrixmage

    Let me preface this by saying that I know this isn't really where to put this, but as I can't really find a place that actually fits, I thought this was as good a place as any. As well, I know that although IC2 is closed-source, Alblaka's policy is that when its no longer developed, it will be made open-source, so I hope that means that there's a chance I might get some leniency about this. So to my actual question, I'm wondering how the devs have been able to give IC2 its realistic-er explosion damage modelling. Keep in mind I'm not some random guy asking how modders to their fancy stuff, I'm a programmer myself, I just think that this is pretty cool, and want to know how it's done.

    If there's a better place for this, a mod is free to move it, just send me a PM, so I can know where to find it.
