Ah, then there we go. Might as well close this topic then as I was not aware of the change to where tin is found.
Posts by Hatsuyuki
Well, no. I pretty much mean hand-held. As in a small device used in workbench recipes to grind copper and tin ore. It's not meant for anything else other than grinding out bronze dust before you're deep in the mines.
You're not doubling your metals per ore, in fact compared to having a macerator you're getting 1/4 less dust. It's just ment as a small boost in early bronze like it is for Treetaps and rubber.
(edit because I thought my math was wrong but I'm pretty sure it's correct.)
1 tin ore, 3 copper ore with macerator = 2 tin dusts and 6 copper dusts = 4 bronze dusts
1 tin ore, 3 copper ore with proposed hand-macerator = single dust of bronze.= Empty Space
= Copper Ore
= Tin Ore
= Hand Macerator
On the workbench =
= 1 Bronze Dust
= 2 Bronze Dust
The Hand-Macerator comes back to you like empty buckets in other recipes, so it's always reusable.
For those who would like bronze weapons and armor but not yet gotten deep enough for Redstone and therefor not in the 'electric' age yet, how about a hand-macerator of sorts? It won't work with everything of course, and would be inefficient. For example, it takes 3 copper and a tin ore at the crafting table with the hand-macerator to produces a dust of bronze (instead of the 4 dusts of bronze you could of gotten with the same ore) . It works sorta like the current IC1 treetap, and it would be helpful for those who would like bronze stuff and don't mind sacrificing viable ore. With the hand-macerator at the center on the craft table, it takes 2 tin ore, and 6 copper ore to make two bronze dusts, with the hand-macerator coming back to you like empty buckets for other recipes. The Hand-Macerator could be something simple to make, with flint, advanced iron, and a bit of wood for the crank.
I have a couple ideas that probably doesn't warrant a new thread.
1: Sound Effects on current electric tools (drill, chainsaw, ODE) that will tell you when it has a half charge, quarter charge, and %5 warning charge (maybe an annoying beep that happens every time the tool is used below %10-%5 percent.
2: Sound Effect when the Bat-Pack itself is depleted fully.
Juggling between the bat-pack and my nano chest-plate is annoying but I understand the reasoning behind it. But still, depleting your tool when you're deep underground and got three full bat-packs (and no battery to juice the tool back up so it can use the bat-pack) is quite annoying too. :< Some warning sounds when your drill is about to give would be awesome, and the same when your bat-pack itself is exhausted.