Posts by Elifre

    Elifre, your MK-V popped because the timer circuit was in a different chunk (which was unloaded) than the reactor, possibly?

    Unlikely, but a simple way to prevent something like that from happening would be to have an unconnected teleport pipe (Buildcraft addon) near the reactor, and another near the timer. For those of you who may not know what this does, the Buildcraft addon that introduces teleport pipes also forces chunks to be loaded when you're not near them, so long as they have the pipe sections included in the addon.

    Please post a diagram of your system.

    Anyway, I've updated my design to work with Mark IV reactors (reactors that require switching out parts).

        - - -
        -   -
    L - - > # - -
        -   -   -
    B - C - - - ^
          -   -
    B - - C - -

    The Timers, RS Latch, and the bottom Counter all work the same as in my original post, but there's now the addition of a second counter in the middle. This counter has a maximum count of 1, and is there to shut off the machine until you switch out the overheating parts. This also acts as an additional safety, requiring you to hit a button after switching out the parts before the reactor will activate. The lever acts as an override as usual, but won't do anything if either counter reaches its maximum count, preventing you from accidentally blowing up your reactor (unless you hit the button before switching out parts, of course). Proper use of this system will allow you to regulate any reactor up to and including a Mark V (but not a CASUC), thereby making practically any reactor setup a safe one (with the proper settings in the circuitry).

    I hope this helps you out if you're looking for a good timer setup!


    I have a rather complicated reactor here for you today. It's a Mark IV EA (three swaps on some components, one swap on others), efficiency 4.00 reactor. It just barely qualifies as a Mark IV, being able to run for about .13 cycles before requiring a complete cooldown, and it requires that you have some spare components so that you can pull out overheating parts to cool separately. I highly recommend using Redpower Logic for this, and using a tool like a counter to shut the machine off (and keep it shut off until you tell it otherwise) every .025 cycles so you can change parts out. I'll add on to my tutorial post with details on how to do this if requested. Anyway, let's get to the actual reactor schematics.

    All of the Integrated Heat Dispensers from a-f will need to be changed three times during operation, the Cooling Cells from a-f will need to be changed once, and the Integrated Heat Dispensers in column i will need to be changed once. This will allow you to run the reactor for about a tenth of a cycle before needing a full cooldown. The amount of energy gathered during this time is 12.8 million EU. The active EU/t is 640. The absolute highest effective EU/t you can have (completely cool set of parts added in after completion of run time, thus meaning you're only waiting for the hull to cool down) is a little over 476 EU/t. (Too lazy to figure out -exact- highest effective EU/t right now. >.>)

    Warning: This reactor is not cheap to set up! It requires a -lot- of extra parts. To get the maximum effective EU/t requires that you swap out every part in the reactor except the uranium after every run cycle, meaning you'll need a large chest or two of spare parts. This reactor also requires that you swap out parts a couple times during the run cycle to prevent them from melting! As a result, you should -never- leave this reactor alone without an advanced Redpower Logic or rather complicated redstone wiring setup.

    One further note: you -can- use this reactor as a Mark V with a simpler regulating setup (see my tutorial on these) and fewer parts, but this will lower the effective EU/t to 52.73 at best.


    Fixed some of the numbers for the component swaps. Enjoy!

    Here's a nice tutorial that I made on how to make a self-regulating reactor.


    Oh, and you made a bit of a mistake with the reactor I posted, Rick. You lowered the number of water blocks around the reactor, which reduces the effective EU/t. It should be 62.99.

    Here's an improved Perfect Breeder setup. Credit goes to Nargon and werewolf_nr for this.

    Heya. Elifre here with a tutorial on making a self-regulating reactor. I got the idea from this thread:

    First off, you'll need IC2 and Redpower Logic, Redpower Core, and Redpower Wiring (part of the Integrated Redstone mods).
    You can check out the wiki for Redpower Logic here:

    Next, you'll need some Red Alloy Wire (great stuff), two Timers, a RS Latch, and a Counter, in addition to all of the parts you'd need for a Nuclear Reactor.

    You'll need to make something like this:

    What this setup allows you to do is set the run time in the timer facing >, the cooldown time in the timer facing ^, and the number of cycles in the counter. When the lever is on, power is sent to the first timer and the reactor, preventing it from starting. When the lever is off, the run time timer > starts spinning, and pulses after the run time. This toggles the latch, which sends power upwards, stopping the reactor from running until the cooldown timer ^ finishes spinning. When the cooldown timer finishes spinning, it toggles the latch, which sends power down. This stops the cooldown timer from spinning, and also sends a pulse to the counter. The counter, once it reaches its set limit, sends power up and prevents the reactor from activating, no matter what the lever is set to. To reset the system, you hit the button which sends a pulse to the counter on its decrement side, and allows use of the lever again.

    Make sure you set the decrement to the number of cycles, or it won't run the desired number of times when you start it back up.

    I hope this helps you to set up a self-regulating Nuclear Reactor! ^^
    See the attached files for screenshots of the layout.



    It looks like there was a bit of a bug with the Mark V death machine. Either it lagged just a tiny bit, or there may have been a glitch with the Redpower wiring (it looked like it wasn't connected when it went up a block for some reason. I might be mistaken since the machine's only on for five seconds, and goes boom in seven. >.>), but the Mark V is no more. I -can- say that I've tested this with a nice safe Mark III, however, and it's working perfectly (no booms, cooled down fully before starting back up again).

    Pro tip: give yourself a bit of leeway with the run time and cooldown time, and make sure your reactor is properly reinforced in case something goes wrong. You never know when the game's going to lag at -just- the wrong time. :D

    Erm... Like I said, this is using Equivalent Exchange (version 4) Obsidian Aggregators, which can be set up to power themselves and produce extra Obsidian. Obsidian can be used with Automatic Crafting Tables (thank you Buildcraft), to make Lapis, which can then be turned into ice. This doesn't cost you anything after you set it up, and is a free source of ice. I also mentioned using Empty Cells to make ice above, but have already dismissed that idea as it requires four tin for every ice, which is an unacceptable cost. Furthermore, I really don't want to install anymore mods than I currently have, since adding more tends to mess up my Minecraft world and forces me to remove the new mods.

    Yes, there is, if you use MineFactory Reloaded - you could use the Weather Collector to make snowballs. Not sure what that all entails or how to integrate it with BC and IC.

    I just tried this, and I can't seem to get MineFactory Reloaded machines to work with Buildcraft engines, even though it says they use them. *Shrug*. Equivalent Exchange seems to work well with automating the process, however. Obsidian Aggregators -> Lapis Lazuli -> Ice -> CASUC.

    I can't seem to open this map without Minecraft crashing. Do you mind posting some screenshots that show how it works?


    Aha. I think I know now how you did this. You use an IndustrialCraft pump to suck in water from an infinite supply, which fills empty cells to make water cells. Water cells can be placed in a compressor, making snowballs, which can themselves be compressed into ice. It seems like it'd use a lot of tin, though. One tin every four blocks of ice means a lot of tin if you're making an ice based CASUC reactor. Is there another way to do this, or a way to easily get tin?

    Heya. I originally posted this on Nargon's thread, but I'll post it here too (since this is another great thread for good reactor designs).

    Mark III EB (1000s), Efficiency 3.60, 10 uranium cells, 180 EU/t

    Very good efficiency, higher effective EU/t (energy generated divided by run time + cooldown) than Nargon's Mark IV B (625s), and can run for a little over a tenth of a cycle without losing components.
    Great reactor for those looking for high efficiency, without making a Mark V (they're scary).

    18x Integrated heat dispensers
    26x Cooling cells

    Colour coded! :D

    U = Uranium cell
    C = Cooling cell
    D = Integrated heat dispenser

    D C C C C C C C D
    C C D D D D D C C
    C D U U U U U D C
    C D U U U U U D C
    C C D D D D D C C
    D C C C C C C C D

    6x uranium cells, 4 pulses, 1 cooler slot (10 heat each)
    4x uranium cells, 3 pulses, 2 cooler slot (4 heat each)
    6x4x1x10 + 4x3x2x4 = 336 h/s

    1 Reactor, 6 chambers, 20 water blocks, 26 cooling cells
    1 + 2x6 + 20 + 26 = 59 h/s

    Heat balance:
    336 - 59 = +277 h/s

    Heat distribution:
    1 reactor, 18 heat dispensers, 26 cooling cells
    1 + 18 + 26 = 45, each can accumulate 10k heat
    450000/277 = max 1624s of non-stop running, if you don't mind losing components. Max 1101s of non-stop running without losing components.
    1624s, greater than 1/10 of a cycle, with loss of components => Mark IV.
    1101s, greater than 1/10 of a cycle, without loss of components => Mark III.

    A good time for this is 1000s of non-stop running, because that'll let you get ten cycles of the same length before the uranium is depleted.
    WARNING! Make sure you use special water construction (see Nargon's Perfect Breeder for details).

    After 1000s accumulated heat is 1000x277 = 277000h
    277000/59 = 4695s = 1h 18.25m

    6x Uranium cells, 4 pulses
    4x Uranium cells, 3 pulses
    6x4x5 + 4x3x5 = 180 EU/t
    Total EU after 1000s:
    180x20x1000 = 3.6M EU.


    I posted a tutorial on making a self-regulating nuclear reactor.


    Heya. I love the improved perfect breeder design, and also rather enjoy the Mark II-1 B. Anyway, this seems to be the place to post good reactors, so I'll submit mine here and try to follow your format.

    Mark III/IV EB (1000s/1250s), Efficiency 3.60, 10 uranium cells, 180 EU/t

    Very good efficiency, higher effective EU/t (energy generated divided by run time + cooldown) than Nargon's Mark IV B (625s), and can run for a little over a tenth of a cycle without losing components.
    Great reactor for those looking for high efficiency, without making a Mark V (they're scary).

    18x Integrated heat dispensers
    26x Cooling cells

    Colour coded! :D

    U = Uranium cell
    C = Cooling cell
    D = Integrated heat dispenser

    D C C C C C C C D
    C C D D D D D C C
    C D U U U U U D C
    C D U U U U U D C
    C C D D D D D C C
    D C C C C C C C D

    6x uranium cells, 4 pulses, 1 cooler slot (10 heat each)
    4x uranium cells, 3 pulses, 2 cooler slot (4 heat each)
    6x4x1x10 + 4x3x2x4 = 336 h/s

    1 Reactor, 6 chambers, 20 water blocks, 26 cooling cells
    1 + 2x6 + 20 + 26 = 59 h/s

    Heat balance:
    336 - 59 = +277 h/s

    Heat distribution:
    1 reactor, 18 heat dispensers, 26 cooling cells
    1 + 18 + 26 = 45, each can accumulate 10k heat
    450000/277 = max 1624s of non-stop running, if you don't mind losing components. Max 1101s of non-stop running without losing components.
    1624s, greater than 1/10 of a cycle, with loss of components => Mark IV.
    1101s, greater than 1/10 of a cycle, without loss of components => Mark III.

    A good time for this is 1000s of non-stop running, because that'll let you get ten cycles of the same length before the uranium is depleted.
    WARNING! Make sure you use special water construction (see Nargon's Perfect Breeder for details).

    After 1000s accumulated heat is 1000x277 = 277000h
    277000/59 = 4695s = 1h 18.25m

    6x Uranium cells, 4 pulses
    4x Uranium cells, 3 pulses
    6x4x5 + 4x3x5 = 180 EU/t
    Total EU after 1000s:
    180x20x1000 = 3.6M EU.

    If anyone can improve upon this design, please post below. And once again, great work Nargon.


    I posted a tutorial on making a self-regulating nuclear reactor.
