Sorry for necro but I seem to have this problem as well. Looking at the dev responses it seemed this was patched or is it the coming patch that fixes it?
Posts by Xcom6000
It might be a member pulling a prank and doing the piston glich that crashes chunks as I assume your running 1.8. Its maybe more common because there have been a few wiki posts about this very piston glitch lately and Jeb have talked about it a lot.
I found out what was causeing the problem. I removed to many items that was installed in the minecraft.jar folder. I rather replaced it with an non TMI version and the problem disappeared. It must have been TMI that was somehow interfering with the IC2 code in some weird way. I'm very glad that the issue is resolved
would never have thought those 2 would interfere with each other.
I know its a big request off someone as new as I am but could someone please add what I found here in the wiki so others wont fall into the same trap as I did. Both the energy calculations about the 20 meter minimum energy use for teleporters and that TMI can interfear with frequency transmitters.
Hope this info can help someone else in the future.
The tests I did was done in single player.
I also have the industrialcraft/itemdata in my .minecraft folder. In it is a file by the name "item_30134"
Also want to add that the server I play on is a bukkit version but I can't run any tests on the server right now cause the server is down.
I have serched far and wide for the issues Im having. Forums, youtube, this forum, google.
I have tried for 3 days straight now trying to get my teleporters to work as intended. After building a massive solar farm and basically reaching a golden level in my base I decided to setup a teleporters system to take me to the various locations in the server. After being unsuccessful I went to single player and did multiple tests to figure out why and what was going wrong.
In the tests I placed 4 teleporters with a MFSU next to them powering them. They were far enough from each other to not interfere with each other. In another term Teleporter A B C D were placed 10 meter from each other and each had a MFSU full of power. My problems were with the frequency transmitters. I did exactly what the wiki had told me to do. Right click on the first teleporter then go to the next one and right click on it to link the 2 teleporters. This made teleporter A and B connect to each other. But the issue was to connect teleporter C and D together. After a frustrating trile and error I gave up because I couldn't get teleporters to link properly. It seemed as if teleporter A became the primary teleporter and EVERYTHING else connected to it. In the end Teleporter A sent you to B and B sent you back to A as expected. But what was frustrating was that teleporter C and D were sending me to teleporter A no matter what I tried to do. In other words using teleporter C or D sent you to teleporter A. I tried to right click into open air to reset the frequency transmitter, unroot teleporter A and replace it back down, unroot teleporter B, relog, make a new frequency transmitter, even as far as making calculations on jumps witch also led to strange discoveries. But as far as I see it as soon as the frequency transmitter connected to a teleporter basically making it the primery teleporter it didn't unattach from it. Even trashing it and making a new one did not help. As soon as a teleporter became a primary teleporter you could even go as far as removing it and replace it back down on the same spot and it would forcefully link every other teleporter to this primary teleporter.
If anyone can help please tel me how to link teleporter A to B then link C to D. I must note that I have other mods installed to so if I'm alone on this I will remove mods one by one and see where the problem lies but for now I want to see if frequency transmitters are bugged or its just me. I also used to many items to spawn in items so if its bugging up the game I will build all items from base items and retry. In fact I'll do that right now after posting this.
In the energy calculations I discoverd that any teleporter going a shorter distance of 20 meters always were consuming the same amount as a 20 meter jump. As if 20 meter/block jumps were the minimum energy jumps you could make. But everything else worked perfectly fine according to the distance and energy calculations according to the IC2 wiki. If this is the case then please update the wiki. Jumps under 20 meters always consumes the amount of energy a 20 meter jump would. After 20 meters all calculations are as normal.
And sorry for the bad English.
Edit: I just tried to rebuild the frequency transmitter from base materials and I still have the same issue. Basically when I right click a teleporter it says "teleporter link unchanged". Even when I right click in open air and get "Frequency Transmitter unlinked" then right click a teleporter and get "Frequency transmitter link to teleporter" and click on the desierd teleporter it should link to it says "teleporter link unchanged". And its back to the same old issue. All teleporters still link to the primary teleporter A.