I started a script for OpenComputers. OpenComputers already has some amazing GT recipes, but they're all GT4 recipes. They need to be re-organized to use the forming press, laser engraver, fluids on the assembler, etc. This is all I have so far, but I wanted to get this out there so other people can collaborate on it.
# Uses DreamMasterXXL's minetweaker GT addon
import mods.gregtech.SawLiq;
# Change cutting wire to use fine tin wire
recipes.addShaped(<OpenComputers:item:17>, [[<ore:stickWood>, <gregtech:gt.metaitem.02:19057>, <ore:stickWood>]]);
# Add a plate cutter recipe for raw boards from green stained clay (processing values copied from wood -> planks recipe)
# SawLiq.addRecipe(output1, output2, input, liquidInput, durationTicks, euPerTick);
SawLiq.addRecipe(<OpenComputers:item:30> * 4, null, <minecraft:stained_hardened_clay:13>, <liquid:lubricant> * 1, 200, 8);
SawLiq.addRecipe(<OpenComputers:item:30> * 4, null, <minecraft:stained_hardened_clay:13>, <liquid:ic2distilledwater> * 3, 400, 8);
SawLiq.addRecipe(<OpenComputers:item:30> * 4, null, <minecraft:stained_hardened_clay:13>, <liquid:water> * 5, 400, 8);
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