> also i wanted to point
out that i'm trying to run a single mascerator with the theoretical max
of 20 overclocker upgrades (thats why i made this)
20 OCs want 3325 EU per operation. You need at least 1 Energy Storage Upgrade since the Macerator's internal storage is only 625 EU.
You can supply the 3325/tick a couple of ways. Have a bank of 7 MFSU supplying 512EU/t power over a single glass fibre cable.
In theory you could have a couple of backward HV transformers between the MFSU and the Macerator but I'm not sure if they'll support 3 transformer upgrades and run off EV. That needs testing
Still, that's not really a practical suggestion. You'd still need a bunch of MFSU to feed the transformer to make EV.
Well i have the gang of reactors feeding a gang of 18 MFSUs that then feed into the maserator, there currently all full (takes about 3 minecraft days for the reactor ro fill them all up,) equaling about 9216EU/t, i'll backup my world and try out the 3-4 transformer upgrades idea.
what happens is that it will procsess a half stack (32 ore into 64 dust) in a fast speed i havent calculated or clocked it but with 64 storage upgrades it will deplete its internal storage buffer seemingly much faster than i can put EU into it.
edit: breakthrough! i threw a whole stack of transformer upgrades into the mascerator and it didnt deplete its internal buffer! i hooked up a redstoned HV transformer (HV>EV) but it doesnt have the capacity (2048EU/t max) by itself to run the maserator. i'm guessing that each transformer upgrade gives 4 times the EU/t pull potential of the previous number of transformer upgrades i'm testing that now. what worries me is that if i have a machine with 3 and it needs 4 to take EV it might blow up with the force of a mass fab.
(if my math is correct on the 4 times thing a machine with 64 transformer upgrades has a max capacity of 590295810358705651712 EU/t
edit2:after moar testing, i was able to get 18 OC upgrades running with 16 Storage Upgrades and 3 transformer upgrades, with 20 OC upgrades you gotta have all 64 storage upgrades and theres no effect past 6 transformer upgrades for this ammount of imput EU/t, meaning that i'm not putting in enough and it takes about twice as long for the internal buffer to replenish than it takes to process the halfstack.