Now you need to ensure that the Bioreactor always has 9 ingredients in it, or risk the loss of efficiency because the reactor is most definitely faster than your puny cropfield can sustain. I guess one way to solve this problem is by using a chest for each plant, then comparators on the chests and a 9-way AND gate which powers hoppers/item pipes to fill the reactor, and after a delay turns the reactor on or something.
If you breed the crops high enough, that isn't an issue at all. otherwise, you can use less generators, which will use less biofuel, that means the bioreactor doesn't make as much and thus doesn't use as many plants. I don't think the reactor has redstone control, anyway. but a relatively small field of crops with very good stats(it might actually be possible to power the reactor of one crop per plant type, if they are bred high enough). a 27*27 field of (normal) plants can supply one reactor easily, that means one 9*9 field per plant type, ore 80 plants. with a GGR of 21 21 something, you gain 21 drops per harvest(i think), and grows crazy fast(21 times?), that should easily deck a reactor. Oh, and is there a mechanic where a plant can essentially copy itself to an adjacent double cropstick? there is a mod called agricraft which essentially copies IC² crops(and only those), that has this feature, and i think it would make both sense and crops a bit less grindy, not having to breed every crop up separately.
Also, how much energy do you get from one bucket biofuel in the mfr biogenerator?