Posts by vaupell
Equiping head gear from IC^2 + other mods or standard MC = instant crash
if i remove the IC2 from the mods folder no erros.
All other mods work, including standard armor.Other mods i have installed when it crashes are
All latest versionsForestry
RailcraftBut as soon as i add IC^2 i cant equip any helmet without crashing..
( open beta? )
Great it works..
Nice to see someone actually doing something pretty fast.
Just getting a comp issue with BC, but on its own i run ic fine until the dev gets ready to release something.
Excaktly the same issues as CZT
At first i just got a major version mismatch error from forge,
then i tryed the fixes, both moving modloadermp.class and trying the other forge
but then i get the null exception instead.
Rolling it all back to 1.0.1 which atleast was working.
Regarding RP2 only reason i started using RP was because of the redstone stacking into 1 cable and the ability to create multiple different connections through one cable and make it stick to the wall and celing. But now it has become so much i dont want or need.
However BC and IC2 i love, and when IC2 gets to MC1.0+ ill resume using it.
But im always looking for a replacement for RP because i only want the wiring of redstone and wish that i could wire
energy from ic2 the same way.
But im 100% Buildcraft and Industrialcraft^2 but "forced" to use RP2 because of space limitations on my creations.