Posts by Stay4

    I can see where the op is coming from a bit. But ultimately it's really no one's fault. Many people who have been following IC2's developement already know where to look for the information, but someone like the op stated that is just getting into it can easily be overwhelmed and find it hard to get all the information since it's spread across 4 sites. Yes that's right 4 sites to get all the info you'd like to know about the dev of IC2.

    So say your a new user, maybe you just saw a cool direwolf20 video or one of the million streamers on streaming IC2. More than likely your going to go to the minecraft forums and look up IC2 and you'll find the non updated thread there that provides a link to the forums here and also at the bottom of it a link to the wiki. Prior to Dec 2nd there was no info on either of those two locations on when/if IC2 was being released for 1.0. There was nothing on the wiki and rightfully so, and on here it was all speculation but nothing that said what was going to be updated. You had to know about Alblaka's blog. Which if you were a new user you probably wouldn't know about, and after a quick search just now I didn't find anything even on this site directing someone to it.

    Now those of us that did know about the blog obviously knew what was going on, and rightfully so people were getting pissed here that numerous posts were going up asking "WHEN IS IC2 COMING OMG!!!!1!" because they just couldn't find that information easily.

    A simple solution is maybe to have someone besides Alblaka update the MC forums, these forums and the wiki in regards to projected updates. Since he regularly maintains his blog, a lot of that information doesn't always make it onto these boards which is where I think the disconnect was. Or have a link more easily accessible here and on MC forums to Alblaka's Blog since that mostly pertains to how the development is going. Won't solve the problem with stupid people but it will solve the problem of making it easier for people to know all the resources too look on for information on IC2.

    Either way in the end it wasn't Alblaka not putting the info out, or the OP not trying to find the info, it was just the info was spread around on many different sources, where if you've been around awhile know where to look, but if your new you just don't. Anyways, just my thoughts on the matter. And I think all the op is asking for, is for the new user an easier way of finding out what's going with IC2 which seems easy and doable.