Posts by nathan736
most people on this serve do avoid acting like 2 year old's but we will let almost any one play as long as they don't try to ruin the quality of fun of others ill expect para to update it when he sees it cheers
this was i think we are done here
*edit crap levint found it first * -
THEN FIND ME DUDE im on around night time sirsly this was sheep i think we are done here
dude if this will fix any isues i will just refund it to you srisly admins don't like dealing with player fails sheep i think we are done here
i have set up a feed back form that you can fill out and submit to have your voice heard on many things we may remove, add or change when we swap to 1.8+ only 1 submit per player plz and thank you. SHEEP MAN FTW
this form is not done yet wait a bit :3 lets say the date you can start submiting is the 19'th -
yeh ill tell levint to add u when he gets on and when i sead that the server was 503ing like a durp e.e
levent when u get on please do a hard reset i cant get on
i reset the server becuse it was laging almost unplayable it was like 9 sec lag e,e sec lag derp then it locked up
server over loaded probably
server probably downloaded porn lolz
server is now back up e,e after 10 mins -
i am paying 70 diamonds TOTAL to the player or players that finish my "ball" ask me in game for more info and rules on this job
also this job has the u say u are done and there is something wrong i will not pay u
i toke down my derp post on the job wall i did not know i had to post it on here "fail" -
go here for the form to send us what u think with out flooding the form try keeping this post clean and with out useless submits sheep man was here
do not spam the form i don't want to have to close it down. happy submiting -
add me too?
IGN: nathan736