I just tried downloading the link currently in your post and I get the same error message from my archive extractor as I did Coopcraft.zip, "File format not recognized".
Posts by Draton
Can you update the MOTD to display the direct link to download the server's latest modpack (a link like the one in your forum post)? I can't download the modpack through the trail of links currently in place. I go to your website, then to the Tekkit website, and then I can't find a download button. I tried the most obvious choice, but it led me to a page with a bunch of uninterpreted formatting text containing a couple of garbled URLs to other things. I saw one for a 'CoopCraft.zip', but that is unreadable by my fully up to date archive reader tools (so I can't extract any of its contents!). I don't know how to use Tekkit and it took longer to download Tekkit than doing most of what I am about to say did. After this I tried getting all the dependencies manually using the list provided by the 'connection lost' message, but after adding Red Logic and its dependency loading Minecraft crashes with Buildcraft class related errors and a message saying loading Red Logic failed. Also, the version of Buildcraft you use is no longer available from Buildcraft's developers, which means I had to get a later version which isn't compatible apparently (although they are patch-level version number increments...).
TLDR: I can't play again until I get a copy of the working mod pack.
I always get an error saying that the fields contain incorrect information. I've reset my account (Draeton)'s password and I still can't login with the password in the support email. I've tried logging in on two computers using totally different web browsers and extensions. If I try relogging into this account on another computer it gives me the same error instead of rejecting me for logging in twice. Furthermore I can't find a support email that I can reply back to, so I have to create this throwaway account to mention it.