I am using a private Server (Multiplayer) with Minecraft Forge based on the 1.7.10 Version with several mods including IC2 experimental (quite new version 68x).
We are quite satisfied with IC2 (very nice mod)
but we have bigger problems with our energy supply. 
In the beginning we used the new experimental mode (useLinearTransferModel = True), but this seems to be very buggy since we had lots of energy with only a few wind generators (it seems like, that the cable produce EU energy on their own).
I could even easily support mass production (the attached MFSU had an constant output of 2k EU, even 8k until I reassigned it).
To get a more "realistic" game play I switched that mode off and now we are (of course) low on energy.
Therefore I started to build up some nuclear plants (thanks to all those tutorials). But now we got a new problem: an uranium cell is depleted after one day (real time). 
Now I have to exchange those cells every day which is also not very realistic. I have found no setting in the IC2.ini config to change that behaviour. Also the energy output is not very high (compared to wind generators). E.g. there is a nice setup with four quad-uranium cells with an output of 340 EU/tick in EU mode (non-fluid), but I can get that energy from two wind generators which run for a quite a long time until I have to assign new rotor blades.
To get a good energy supply there seems to be the only solution to set up a big wind park with wind generators.
Any suggestions or ideas?
Thanks Ralf