Posts by Muramasa
Gt Suggestion:
Does anyone think it would be a cool idea if GT5U had a new Forestry Alveary block to add into the Alveary multi-block to allow us to breed these high level GT bees? or even a independent GT Alveary?
It would be a cool way to make it a little harder to work with these high end material bees.
That's strange, because I have never had GT6 installed on this instance. The GT5U versions I have had installed were 5.08.18 > 25 > 26.
I have no idea how the ore meta numbers for custom 00 and 01 now have dashes before them. I guess something just got really messed up when changing version? Not sure, regardless it's working and thanks for helping me man!
Post the config (or at least the mixes you're trying to add).WorldGeneration.cfg:
I have attempted to add GT versions of TC ores under Custom Mix 00 and 01. Custom Mix 00 starts at 2127 and 01 at 2154.
So I'm still having issue with custom ore mixes. I turned off all GT ore spawns a part from custom 00 and 01. I then cleared all of the stone/dirt etc to see if that would make my two remaining ore mixes the only ore spawning but they still don't seem to.
Result image here
The two custom mixes I am using are turned on.
Muramasa ( aka the most epic saber eva ) : Well theoretically it should work toghether, but then I am not responsible for any WTFBOOOOOOOOOOOM caused in your world, if you want to make a modpack, I would suggest you using minetweaker ( and modtweaker as it will soon have compat with GTreborn if it's not already there ) to heavily modify crafts to avoid conflicts and balance stuff to disable unwanted stuff, I also suggest disabling GT5 cables as they might cause problems with GT reborn, and GT reborn already have cables but it's still very WIP, lastly I think you will need to use IC2 exp ( with or without compilation should work ), as GT reborn haven't released the special version for IC2 classic compat YET ( once it's stable, it will have 2 version, one for normal IC2, other for classic ) and I don't even know if IC2 classic works with GT5,
GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGBlooooooooody ?Huh, well may I suggest a specific mode as a config option for compatibility mode for GT5U that removes(Or handles them in the best way. I'm not sure how it would handle them) overlapping machines/items from TechReborn that is in GT5U, but leaves the unique machines/items. Again, an example would be the blast furnace from TechReborn would wouldn't be in the game since GT5U has one if this option was turned on.
And I think having recipes/balance up to the user if fair enough.
You really should have a talk with TiCon devs Bloody, since MDiyo is gone, I don't know why this Anti-GT nonsense is still here, plus GregTech reborn fully support Ticon, so why not you ?
Oh Mine_Sasha, this is probably relevant to ask here. Do you think we could have compatibility between TechReborn and GT5U?
An example could be if someone like myself likes GT5U, but prefers specific things from the older versions of GT like the use of the IC2 style power storage to store power instead of battery buffers and batterys, could the TechReborn power storage support GTEU? I'm not sure if it already does, but I'm assuming it is IC2 EU?
A couple suggestions,
It would be great if pipes with "attachments" like pumps would tell you what they had still attached to them after you wrench them so you know when they're not placed.
And if GT had support for Ardite and Manyuallyn materials, then it would support all materials with TiC, ExtraTiC and Metallurgy. Ardite being a metal and Manyullyn being an alloy (Ardite + Cobalt)
Its not clarified in the wiki, but intuitively it seems to me that it should have generated 512 eu/t in this case and discarded the rest.
Alternately it would be very nice (and, again, intuitive) if the turbine could generate 1-32 amps depending on the dynamo hatch you use. In Muramasa's case, it would generate up to 2 amps.
That said, given it probably emits a single amp, EV is definitely the best choice as you suggest. And good observation on the larger turbine item/rotor.
Also tried it with an EV dynamo hatch and it still didn't consume any steam. For good measure I tried swapping out the steam turbine block and replacing it with a gas turbine. I put methane in one of the input hatches and it consumed the methane and made power. Didn't work when I switched it back to steam.Thanks for the recommendations, though. I'll try to mess around with it some more with an EV hatch on it (I already tried this to some extent).
So I've been trying to use the Large Steam Turbine, and I can't get it to work. It says in the turbine GUI that it's running perfectly, but it will not consume steam nor produce any power. I have a duct taped maintenance hatch and a stainless steal output hatch on the left side, two stainless steel input hatches on the right side, and a HV dynamo hatch on the back. It is facing south, and assembles fine. I'm running it with a Thaumium Turbine. I filled both input hatches with steam from a large steal boiler, but it won't consume the steam nor produce power. I've played around with it quite a bit, swapping things out, but to no avail. Anyone have a solution for this?
Also I'm using version 5.08.25