Posts by radical_las

    Hi! I think I found some glitches and I'll try to show and explain them, but my English is bad, so you may not understand me, so sorry for that. I'm using minecraft version 1.7.10

    First one:
    Redstone signal state freezes. I know that your mod doesn't support 5x5 reactors(I was so sad, then found out that). But still I was trying to use thermal monitor, to avoid explosion, by putting it inside my reactor, and it works... almost.
    On this screenshot thermal monitor sending redstone signal on 3 ways:

    Now, I inverted setings of thermal monitor and redstone shouldn't be lighted on all 3 ways, but two of them freezed. State of redstone changes only then I replace it or If I placenew blocks near it.

    I tried to the same thing with red larten, but then I remove it redstone fades in all directions, so thats why I think this is mod glitch.

    Second one:
    Advanced information panel and extender after rebooting game. I just rebooted game and found out that part of information panel is inactive:

    Third one:
    Energy sensor kit doesn't work at all. I press right mouse button and nothing happens. There's even no energy sensor location card in creative.

    Thats all for now... I think. And when approximately will be added support of 5x5 reactors? I want BIG information panels of my BIG reactor :D