Posts by Sk4nd4lf

    First of all, i am a German Guy and my English is not the best :D So i hope you understand me.

    Why is the IUpgradeItem and the IUpgradableBlock Interface not included in the API.

    Is there any another way to make a machine using Upgrades? And own Upgrades

    And i will not that my Mod is a dependency of IC2. So the development version as library in eclipse is not an option

    The textures of my Block doesn´t change ingame. When i leave the game and rejoin, the textures are correctly changed. I hear the wrench sound when i right click...

    What did i make wrong?

    My TileEntity:

    Pls help me...

    P.S. Sorry for my bad english. I hope you understand me

    Edit: I use the newest version of IC2 (2.2.693)