Wow, thats a lot of code in your Mod
Can I use your SpmodApi as Library for my mod. There a lot of useful things in it. The Mod is only for me and my friends. I will not release him
Wow, thats a lot of code in your Mod
Can I use your SpmodApi as Library for my mod. There a lot of useful things in it. The Mod is only for me and my friends. I will not release him
Hmm... I will try it out tomorrow, but what is with the imports. I thought if a class isnt loaded, the imports will crash. And that required a dependency. Or not?
Yes, but without mod dependencies...
I think i understand you...
But it would be easier with an Interface.
First of all, i am a German Guy and my English is not the best So i hope you understand me.
Why is the IUpgradeItem and the IUpgradableBlock Interface not included in the API.
Is there any another way to make a machine using Upgrades? And own Upgrades
And i will not that my Mod is a dependency of IC2. So the development version as library in eclipse is not an option
I had wrote onDataPacket(S35PacketUpdateTileEntity packet)...
The correct method is onDataPacket(NetworkManager network, S35PacketUpdateTileEntity packet)...
I had not see that the method not override...
Sry for wasting your Time
Hmmm... I think no.
I had previously a code who based on the source code of Immibis Advanced Machines with some Packet-Methods
For Example:
This methods doesnt make a difference...
Have you any hint for me, what i had to do... Pls
The textures of my Block doesn´t change ingame. When i leave the game and rejoin, the textures are correctly changed. I hear the wrench sound when i right click...
What did i make wrong?
My TileEntity:
public short facing; public short prevFacing; public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.writeToNBT(nbt); nbt.setShort("Facing", facing); } public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.readFromNBT(nbt); if(nbt.hasKey("Facing")) { prevFacing = facing = nbt.getShort("Facing"); } }
@Override public boolean wrenchCanSetFacing(EntityPlayer entityPlayer, int side) {
return side > 1 && facing != side; }
@Override public short getFacing() {
return facing; }
@Override public void setFacing(short face) {
facing = face; prevFacing = face; worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); worldObj.notifyBlockChange(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, getBlockType()); }
@Override public boolean wrenchCanRemove(EntityPlayer entityPlayer) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; }
@Override public float getWrenchDropRate() {
return 1F; }
@Override public ItemStack getWrenchDrop(EntityPlayer entityPlayer) {
return new ItemStack(getBlockType()); }
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Pls help me...
P.S. Sorry for my bad english. I hope you understand me
Edit: I use the newest version of IC2 (2.2.693)