1. World DL please?
2. Totaly jealous as i've only just started agriculture and someones already finished
Posts by Magnuo
I would say that you should have rubber in the corners so that it is not grounded.
Thanks for the suggestion, but wouldnt rubber be to easy for such a powerfull energy collecter?
While doing homework i saw the invention by Benjamin Franklin, the lighting rod, and i thouhgt, why not in minecraft?
The use is when there is a thunder storm, the lighting in a 100 block radius (changeable) would only hit the lighting rod, each zap should be
over 1000 eu, as 1.lightning storms are rare, and 2. its lighting, not a solar panel *trollface*
I have a sort of idea on what crafting recipie would be:= refined iron
= HV transformer
= fibre optic cable
Please leave any suggestion of a different crafting recipie, mabye change corner
to :Alloy: ?