Posts by Euphoria
I have also been experiencing the invisibility bug and also missing chunks. Can't measure the exact size, but I would say around 15x15 - 25x25 chunks on blocks will randomly disappear leaving the X-Ray vision effect where you can see to bedrock for around 1 second, then it flicks back to normal. It seems to be mainly when moving fast, Creative Flying it's noticeably worse than when Sprinting, but it's still very frequent, on average once every 5-10 seconds when sprinting and once every 3-5 seconds when flying.
Anything I could tweak in FastCraft that might help remedy this???
Ok, so after a few hours of testing with different settings in-game and driver settings, SLI, different drivers, FastCraft, OptiFine and BetterFPS.... Here are my results:
- Nvidia Drivers = 0 increase or decrease in FPS or chunk load times. I tried 8 different drivers ranging from most up to date back to Q3 2014 when 1.7.10 released. None had any effect.
SLI = Mother Of God! Big Drop In FPS.... By big, I mean Massive! Tried a few different SLI compatibility bits, plus AFR, AFR2, Auto.... But all resulted in huge FPS drops.
Driver Tweaks = 2-4 FPS increase from Disabling Threaded Optimisation
No other tweaks made any difference.
- OptiFine HD_U_B7 + Chunk Updates set to 1 = Highest FPS I managed to achieve at any point in testing but very slow chunk loading times, even with Multi-Core rendering enabled.
- OptiFine HD_U_B7 + Chunk Updates set to 5 = 15-20 FPS drop but much faster chunk loading times, Multi-Core rendering enabled.
- FastCraft 1.21/1.22 + OptiFine HD_U_B7 = 0 difference. Neither version of FC made any difference in chunk load times or FPS paired with OptiFine.
- FastCraft 1.21/1.22 + OptiFine HD_U_B7 + BetterFPS v1.0 = 0 difference again.
- OptiFine HD_U_B7 + BetterFPS v1.0 = 0 difference again.
FastCraft 1.21 = 4-7 FPS Drop
Chunk load times seemed a little faster than with OptiFine, about the same as OptiFine Chunk Update 2 or 3.
FastCraft 1.22 = 4-6 FPS Drop.... But! Holy Steve riding a Unicorn those chunks loaded Fast!
A slight drop in FPS, but chunk load times were maybe 100% faster than OptiFine Chunk Update 5 but with less of an FPS hit. Overall FPS spikes when hitting a Big new chunk seemed to be reduced as well, but still present occasionally.
Conclusion - I'm gonna be running FastCraft 1.22 on it's own. I can handle and maybe fine tune things to negate the 5fps drop, but I can't overlook the chunk load times and decreased lag/FPS spikes.A+ and a big thanks to Player for taking the time to make this mod
Player - Thanks I'll give 1.22 a try and report back. I do indeed have OptiFine and GLSL Shader Core installed. Going to also try rolling back Nvidia drivers as I remember having issues about 18 months ago with driver updates causing a reduction or sporadic FPS.
Curious, what's the difference between 1.21 & 1.22 if it may depend on my GPU??Thanks
Hello, newbie here, just came across this mod today, Kudos to you, Player.
I've been testing and playing around with this a few hours now, made sure it's running properly, but I don't see a single FPS increase
I created a world to make benchmarking easy, but I don't see any increase.
Something I'm doing wrong maybe, or just works for some and not for others???
Appreciate any advice.