i like it, on my ic server we had restaurants all over the place using electric furnaces. +1
Posts by Alfman112
Name/Nick (just something to call you with)
Alden (real name)
- MC-Forum Nick / IC-Forum Nick / Minecraft Acountname (preferable all of them)
- Timezone you're living in, given in GMT +-x
EST east coast usa..
- The position you want to take, aka: what do you want to do?
the art for blocks, items, anything with graphical stuff, and also coming up with good ideas to implement in IC2 in every updateto make the mod and game better and more realistic and freaking awesome.
- Previous experience on the position mentioned above? A good spot to throw links at previous projects/activitys of yours.
well I have messed with java some, not enough to want to try to screw anything up. anyway i have made items and stuff just to see how stuff would look and i designed blocks for a portal 2 texture pack i was making just for me. Also, ive played industrial craft for a pretty long time. -
So basically I am thinking of a blue map like item that shows you all of the power using blocks from IC2, and nothing else just like lines with colored dots, no other blocks, and it a waaaaay better resolution then the map:
Here is the Key:
BLUE- Cables
RED- Generators
GREEN- Machines
PURPLE- MFS units and the other oneA reference icon thing i made that doesnt really work is in somewhere.... haha
It would be good to review the systems that are in place on your world to quickly see where improvements can be made, just like real life
and Alblaka approves
and for some reason the second attachment wont load on hereit is just the item in game modified to be a mock up. yea its called bla cause it is crappy. ahahah
Oh ok thanks everyone. It was just a fun idea. and what is energy net? I didn't see anything about it on the wiki yet
Ok Hello,
I have been reading the forums and playing IC for a while on my server with some friends. One thing I noticed that changing every MFS unit to 64 or 32 or 1 or whatever takes a while, so a digitalized version of that would be nice
so like if you placed the new [Wifi Networking Device Block]and then had your new IPad {Industrial programing authorizing device} you could see a scrollable map just of your wire networks that just you have placed, so say all of your cables and switch cables and MFS's and all the energy transport devices, basically anything you use a EC manipulator with. And then, you could change the outputs and turn switch blocks on and off using the ipad. The ipad would be an item and be held like the map, and the wifi network block would be placed and need power constantly to create the network. The network would be just for your player and your ipad would connect.
yea i know this would be really difficult probably, but hey, its just an idea.
Thank you for making Industrial craft awesome as it is
Alfman112Ps if anyone actually likes this idea then Yay! and i could make sprites and recipes ...