Posts by M4R4J4D3

    To clarify, picture this example: I like to store EU in storage blocks vertically. I start with a few batboxes, then upgrade to MFEs, then on to MFSU. I like having the higher-tier storage units at the top of the vertical stack. In order to upgrade the topmost unit, I'd have to break the second one inline, orient my upgraded unit, replace the second one, break the third one so I can reorient the second one, et c. Unless all the EU is drained beforehand, all of it, except the bottom unit's power will be lost. This is a secondary concern. My primary concern is the time and effort it takes to reorient them, which can add up, depending on how many storage units are in place.

    When you're expanding a power system, are you sick of removing machines above / below / beside an energy storage block just so you can orient the storage block correctly? This can cause wasted EU and wasted time, as you may have to remove multiple blocks to get at the one you're trying to work with.

    I propose the Advanced Orientation Wrench!

    This wrench would not remove machines like the normal wrench does, but instead, allows a storage block to be oriented so its output face faces north, south, east, west, up or down. A simple dialog box would open when right-clicked with this new wrench, with just these 6 buttons.

    Perhaps it could be crafted with a normal wrench plus a compass.

    I look forward to hearing your thoughts, and I would love it if someone could make this new tool / help me make it. (I don't remember much about Java, but I'm willing (and have been meaning) to learn...)


    I posted a few hours ago, thanking Alblaka for releasing the latest and greatest IC2 for MC1.0 to the public. However, I failed to thank the rest of the development team, including player and alexthesax. I want to thank you folks as well, but the original thread is now locked. I'm very sorry for leaving you out in that appreciation thread.

    THANK YOU to all developers, testers, contributors, artists, and everyone else that has helped to make this mod so fantastic. I'm still new to the forums, obviously, and should have done my homework. I am sorry again for not including you.

    Will begin reading the entire forums in a couple days, when I will have ample time.

    Keep up the great work, everyone!!!

    Alblaka, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm as giddy as an adolescent schoolgirl right now! I've been waiting with baited breath for this release, and now my dreams have come true! You are a scholar and gentleman... I cannot thank you enough!

    (Also, you might want to update the global green text header, unless you have reasons for not doing so yet...)