Posts by reteo

    That's what I was looking for, thanks! Custom Ore Generation includes its own RNG, and I include the assumption of averages in my calculations when creating the configurations (and there are options for uniform and non-uniform distributions) by halving the max and supplying the resulting value to both the average and the range.

    One question: Those veins per chunk value; are they averages or maximums? If those are averages, what are their maximums? UPDATE: Never mind; I got this viewer figured out.

    And trust me, I had enough of a nightmare trying to figure my way through decompiled vanilla; Java is not something I have much knowledge of. :(

    I am working on updating the configurations for the mod Custom Ore Generation: First Revival, a mod designed to replace vanilla ore sprinkling with more realistic veins, ore clouds, and soon strata. In the course of making configurations, I have set up sufficient calculation to make the oregen consistent with the vanilla WorldGenMinable() values (min/max Y, max ores per vein, max veins per chunk). However, some mods, including IC2, do not have source code where I can see it (or at least, if they do, I don't know where to look).

    I was hoping it would be alright to ask what the values are for IC2 ores?