Posts by PieceMaker

    Thanks, i should probably re-arrange the package and add some proper instructions to it...
    It's weekend soon so i'll have some time available for this now.

    I don't have anything against people pointing out errors and that they want to help out fixing them, but can all who wish please send me a PM explaining the deal before adding links to their own fixes to the thread?
    It's for the convenience of those visiting this thread so that they don't have to spend unnecessary time figuring out what version to download. I rather just add fixes to my package and have everything conveniently in the first post. People helping out will be credited of course so don't worry. Thanks.

    Wouldn't it be better if you put like nine charcoal on your workbench to create some kind of charcoal mix/block/ball, you put this mix/block/ball into the compressor and you get one regular coal.
    In short, you compress a lot of charcoal into one regular coal. Getting dust from the compressor doesn't make sense, and besides, you wouldn't need to adjust any of the machine files right?

    If you really need to be able to produce coal out of charcoal I think this solution would not be OP. It would still require a lot of work and resources to produce regular coal in large quantities.

    I'll check out the new content this evening and see if anything needs updating.
    Even if there's no need to add new content I'll rename the packages to 1.15 for consistency though.

    And if there's no difference between 1.00 and 1.15 i'll write that those who already use 1.00 need no updating.

    Edit: seems like i need to upres the armor textures. I will do a small update asap.

    Making/writing a book assumes you already have the knowledge tucked away in your brain.

    Yes it would make no sense to gain knowledge from a book you made yourself, but for the sake of gameplay one must disregard this little aspect and see it more as simply making a bonus item for yourself or for others.


    I could see something like this in the library stronghold though.

    Finding a library with XP-books would indeed be cool!

    Just have to stress that this system i'm suggesting should be optional, but it can add a whole new dimension of gameplay to the mod experience.
    If other modders could tap into this system (through API) we could have a nice thing going.

    So Alblaka, you asked me to ask this question again once 1.8 is out, which finally happened at last ;) So here comes a copypasta from my previous thread, with a little addition i think could be neat together with this system.

    Would it be a good idea that building machines could give you experience points, or some form of experience? Perhaps that more advanced machines requires higher experience level to build?

    Perhaps there could even be a technological experience level beside the regular experience, if possible that is.

    Leveling your technological skills together with your amount of resources could be a fun challenge. It would be a good thing if it was toggle-able though, for those who just want to build IC1 style.

    Here is a little example of how this technological xp value could be shown in the HUD:

    Because the original XP-bar sucks i feel that it's much better to show a value instead of a bar. That way it's much more obvious how much XP points you need in order to "level up", or to build a certain machine that is. There should be a max value which represent the highest level of experience, required to build the most advanced machine(s).
    Crafting primitive vanilla tools could also increase this XP-value slightly, so that meeting the lowest requirements for building the most primitive IC-machines can be reached relatively easily in the early game.

    Also: Books have always been pretty useless for other things than building bookcases.

    Considering this system of experience points, books could be a way of sharing experience points with others, either by "consuming them" (like eating food) or by spreading experience orbs around the player when right clicking (consuming the book). It would symbolize knowledge sharing through reading a book.

    Maybe the item could be unique to avoid conflict with the original book item, with a name like "Technological Manual", "Industrial Compendium", or whatever you wish to call it.

    You might even make it into two tiers where the "Technological manual" is the first one, giving minor amount of experience points, and the "Industrial Compendium" (crafted from nine smaller manuals) will give you more experience points than nine smaller manuals consumed on their own.

    Technological Manual

    Industrial Compendium

    This texture pack is a continuation of the original Faithful IndustrialCraft by Vattic.…pdatemod-support-17-beta/

    Additional credits to Timmie3054 for helping me updating this pack to 1.23.

    Download main texture pack here


    Faithful 32x32 texture packs for IC² addons

    Offical Addons:
    Advanced Machines Original v1.3a (addon link)
    Charging Bench v1.81-1 (addon link)
    CompactSolars 2.0.0 (addon link)
    Modular Force Field System V1.2 Beta 6pr3_2 (addon link)

    Pending Addons:
    Advanced Solar Panels v2.1.0 (addon link)

    Report any texture errors in case you see one. :thumbup:

    And here is an alternative version for those who wish to have the respective scanner looking slightly different from each other (install this after installing the original IC² Faithful 32x32 version.)

    (The one on the right should be the OV Scanner, although I haven't tested this myself yet I need someone to confirm that the new sprite corresponds to the OV Scanner. Please notify me in this thread whether I changed the wrong sprite or not.)

    Install instructions:

    * Download the latest MCPATCHER HD.
    * Follow the instructions on how to patch Minecraft for HD textures.
    * Download Vattic's Faithful 32x32 texture pack, or any 32x texture pack of your choice.
    * Put your chosen texture pack into %appdata%\.minecraft\texturepacks (for Mac and Linux search Google on where to put custom texture packs because I'm not familiar with installing textures on these systems.)
    * Download IC² Faithful 32x32.
    * From the IC² Faithful archive, simply drag the folders "armor" and "ic2" into the archive containing the texture pack you intend to use.
    * Then run the game, click "Mods and Texture Packs" and then your texture pack.
    * Good to go.

    * Installing texture packs for IC² addons is done using the same procedure. Just drag the downloaded content into the 32x texture pack of your choice.

    Are you an addon creator? Do you want a 32x version of your addon made? Or are you simply missing 32x textures for your favourite addon? Don't hesitate to ask me to make a 32x of it!
    Also, if you are an addon creator with a 32x version of your mod already featured here, and you make changes to your textures, I would be glad if you post a little notification about it, as a post or in a PM to me so we can keep things up to date as much as possible!

    To do:

    • *Fix look of batpacks to match originals better
    • Install instructions using OptiFine HD
    • Textures and sprites for various IC² addons
    • Fix 32x versions for all official addons



    I'm aware that we know pretty little about the experience point system in Minecraft 1.8 and i consider this as a suggestion once we know more about how the experience system works.

    Would it be a good idea that building machines could give you experience points, or some form of experience? Perhaps that more advanced machines requires higher experience level to build?
    Perhaps there could even be a technological experience level beside the regular experience, if possible that is.

    Leveling your technological skills together with your amount of resources could be a fun challenge. It would be a good thing if it was toggle-able though, for those who just want to build IC1 style.