Posts by A_Useless_Gun
hey i havent ben on for a while but i got the modpack and TP pipes and mnefactory wont work please help
You're going to have to provide a bit more information than "it won't work" for us to help.
Can you post the error? Can you get Minecraft to start before crash? Have you started from a fresh install and removed all other mods from before?
If you downloaded the mod pack there should be no conflicting IDs. Other than the block ID you need to change
Quotechunkloader id from 254 (redpowerlight) to and empty ID number 195
Ensure you are installing to a fresh Minecraft.Jar etc. And make sure you don't have any old mods inside your mod folder already.
Run minecraft after installing Modloader/ModloaderMP/Minecraftforge, before adding mods.There is a config file inside of the mod pack.
Yes there is protection on Vanilla chests.