i cannot WAIT till its updated!!!
to u man!!
Posts by 00shivang
der u have been added! the server has been newly spawned as it is newbishlooking but u can fix tht
this is my minecraft 1.0.0 tekkit server to play on the server you will need the tekkit whitelisted
client teUSE GOOGLE!!! make sure u do a full install. whitelist application:
why you want to be on the server:
have you ever been banned?if so why?(honor system):
what do you have to offer to the server?:rules:
1.NO GRIEFING.PERIOD. this will result in a perm ip ban
2.no racist,sexist, prejudice comments. this will result in a 2 hour temp ban
3.keep the language clean but u can still cuss a little.if you get out of hand it will
result in a 30 min ban
4.have fun
keep in mind the server just started. it is very crude as of now YOU CAN CHANGE THAT:D
the server will mostlikley be up on sun. thru thur. from around 7a.m. to 9p.m. and on fri. thru sat. 10-12 if its not open at 7 am or is for a little while the server will be back up at somewhere between 3-4 est
ops:00shivang,skymile123keep in mind the server just started. it is very crude as of now YOU CAN CHANGE THAT:D
the ip is as of now i will op no one unless u earn it.
[align=-webkit-center]this is my minecraft 1.0.0 tekkit server to play on the server you will need the tekkit
clientUSE GOOGLE!!! make sure u do a full install. whitelist application:
why you want to be on the server:
have you ever been banned?if so why?(honor system):
what do you have to offer to the server?:
do you agree to follow the rules?:
1.NO GRIEFING.PERIOD. this will result in a perm ip ban
2.no racist,sexist, prejudice comments. this will result in a 2 hour temp ban
3.keep the language clean but u can still cuss a little.if you get out of hand it will
result in a 30 min ban
4.have funkeep in mind the server just started. it is very crude as of now YOU CAN CHANGE THAT:D
the ip is as of now i will op no one unless u earn it.