May 17
Complete, may be outdated:
-RedPower 2 (Prerelease 5b1)- in "Eloraam"
-Risugami's Elemental Arrows (1.2.5)- in "arrows"
-Connected Textures Mod- in root and "ctm"
-Freerunner's Mod (3.0)- in "freerun"
-Additional Pipes (34.0)- in "ic2"
-Advanced machines (4.0)- in "ic2"
-PowerConverters (1.3.2)- in "PowerConverterSprites"
-Wireless redstone mod (1.5)- in "WirelessSprites"
-Ironchest mod (2.3a)- in "cpw"
-Parachute (1.1)- in "parachute"
-Experium Ore (1.1)- located in customBlock.png
-Obsidian Tools (unknown)- located in "FGS" and "armor"
-Too Many Items (1.2.5)- located in tmi.png
-Laser Mod (1.3)- located in "PigbearLaser"
-Elemental Creepers (2.0)- located in "mob"
-Compact Solar Arrays for IC2 (2.0.0)- located in "cpw"
-ICBC2 Crossover (1.27)- located "ic2"
-Ender Chest (1.0.3)- located in "chickenbones"
-Furniture Mod (1.2.5)- located in "furniture" and "gui"
-Nuclear Control for IC2 (1.1.3) MADE BY REDLED72
-IndustrialCraft 2 (1.95b)- only items left, located in "ic2" and "armor/ic2"
-Better Than Wolves (3.60)- 75% complete, located in "btwmodtextures"
-BuildCraft 2 (unknown)- 80% complete, located in "net"
-PowerCraft (2.0)- 60% complete, located in "PowerCraft"
-Aether (1.04_1)- 40% complete, located in aetherBlocks.png
-PlasticCraft (3.0.2)- 40% complete, located in "plasticcraft"
-GLSL Bumpmapping (2.1.0)- Ores complete, located in root
-Forestry ( 60% done, located in "gfx"
-Randomobs - located in "mob"
-New Natural Materials (2.0)- located in "nnm"
-ComputerCraft (1.32)- 30% complete, located in "ComputerCraft"
-ThaumCraft (2.1.4)- 20% complete, located in "thaumcraft"
-Millenare (2.5.4)- Just started, automatically shipped in Millenare mod
-Not Enough Items (1.2.1)- 50% complete, located in "chickenbones"
-More Furnaces (1.1.7)- 50% complete, located in "morefurnaces"
-Equal Exchange ( just started, located in "eqex"
-Railcraft (4.3.0)- 30% done, located in "railcraft"
-Nether Expansion (v0.3)- blocks started, located in "NetherEX"
-Orizon (1.0.6)- 75% complete, locate in "oretex"
-ComputerCraft (1.32)- located in "terrain" THANK YOU REDLED!
-Rocket Science (0.89)- 50% complete, located in "rocketScience" MADE BY REDLED72