Posts by Tasolth

    More info. Looks like a gui problem. I noticed that if I logout with items in the OM they are not there on re-log, also, tried pumping in some uu matter and that worked, oil started coming out the other side, but the gui did not show any change. Going to do some gui swapping and see if that gets it.

    Tank with oil works fine btw.


    Ok got it working... dunno why exactly it wasn't working, but changing the guid from 105 to 115 for the OM appears to have solved the issue. No idea why 105 wasn't working. Ran a check on all my mod conf files and found no matches. ?(

    Running into a Strange issue in SMP. Oil materializer will not let me pump any oil out of it. Standard wooden waterproof pipe and redstone engine. valid pipes and tanks are in place. Can anyone verify this ? Running 1.14b BCIC2 crossover Buildcraft 2.2.11, and IC2 1.43 as well as many other mods listed in the modloader.txt
    This only happens on my smp test server(windows) not my SSP game.

    Also I will include my modloader and config file if anyone can point out something off with them. Any help is appreciated


    Configuration file on client and server are copies