Posts by Azathoth

    I just remembered that energy is sent in "packets", and that it's not a combined 20 packet, it's a bunch of packets of 1, I had a few copper cables to end the connection, just enough to cut off 1 EU, killing any power. Switched them all to tin and it works fine.

    IMO the EU/p should be changed, doesn't make sense for a tin cable to hold 20EU/t going through it.

    I used to always make solar flowers whilst the mod was in the original version, the switch cabes ect.

    However after using IC² on my SMP server, I realised after spending the time to collect resources to make 20 Solar panels, that they refuse to provide even a single energy unit.

    I assume i'm overlooking an extremely simple wiring mechanic that has been implemented in IC², so it would be fantastic if someone could point it out.