Hey, just tested some of the listed stuff:
Forge .298
-Enet Ghosts = fixed, also the 30 seconds explosions
-CF-Sprayers fixed, crafting seems normal, normal foam usage while using
-Zero fall damage while wearing rubber/quantum boots
-full jetpacks from NEI/Creative menu
-Scrapboxes and dynamite get used/lit when fired from dispenser fixed. HAYO!
-Mininglaser is no longer a valid fuel (tested in normal and iron furnace as well as BC stirling engine)
-geogens dont accept liquids like applejuice/crushed ice
-NEI Energylevel on tools works fine.
awesome build RichardG 
keep it up
edit* now testing on server
One thing i noticed with the build is that our server has now ~15% CPU usage with this build, one chunkloader is on the server. with v1.106 we have ~6% CPU usage. No idea why. just as a note