Posts by Delet3r

    If this is not a monumentally bad Aprils Fools joke(I really hope someone thought this would be a good idea...),

    The datestamp on teh BC post now says Friday April 1. I am almost certain that earlier it said Mar 31st.

    So its looking like this was an April fools joke.

    It struck me as odd that if IC2 and BC were working together, why was BC taken by surprise by the announcement, and had to 'rush' their announcement? Sounds like a reason to explain why two big announcements would happen on the same day...

    As a long time IC2 fan this is sad but maybe there are other ways in which IC2 could still remain the mod that engineer type people enjoy?

    I mean, BC still has rf power 'flowing' through pipes, and as CJ pointed out the explosions werent really what bc was all about anyway... but its what people remember and want back. IMO ic2 fans just want some challenge and thought involved when they play, instead of 'connect rf cables to machines that auto regulate like a mindless robot then watch then all work'

    So, arent there other ways to make ic2 more intricate? To me, TInkers Construct shows what people really want... choice, and options. If someone made a tinkers rip off with hugely OP tools that were easy to make (in a crafting table) you would think it would be more popular right? no smeltery construction to slog through, etc.

    I really don't think so. IMO is not the OPness to Tic that makes it popular, its that people can make things differently each playthrough, and the ever elusive 'best tool' is always on the horizon. IMO that is what bc and ic2 and redpower had. Redpower blutricity meant that you could align solar panels differently and get different power output. BC... I remember having 1 out of 6 combustion engines just not getting water. I changed how i set up the liquid pipes, and it then worked. Item pipes of course penalize you for setting things up wrong.

    IC2 had the energy net, it's the fact that it required thought that was the main issue, so why not try to put thinking into the machines, instead of the pipes? It could still use RF power using the BC system, with power still flowing through the pipes, and instead of max packet size per wire, its now like BC, with max throughput in each wire. BC kinesis pipes today are still far more interesting than other rf pipes are, so evne if IC2 did that, its still better than just going the TE/EIO route.

    The ic2 nukes show how machines can be made to be challenging. Just like Tinkers or Botania, you can set IC2 nukes up differently and improve on a design, do things differently the next world, etc. IC2 generators could overheat like bc engines do, or possibly machines could be made modular like a tinkers tool is? People ask how you set up an ic2 nuke, couldnt a similar system be put into normal machines? A heat exchanger makes the machine use less power but it wears out over time? Or overclockers that increase speed *without* increasing power draw, but then the machine has a tiny chance to melt down or blow up or maybe just fry the upgrade each hour or something?

    I think that if rf can still 'flow' through wires like BC uses RF then ic2 could still be interesting. Couldnt cables be coded to say 'if this cable doesnt receive 100 rf/t then stop all power transfer'? That would be like a voltage. "one of your generators ran out of coal so your power dropped and then the 'resistance' in the wires stopped power flow, and your system shut down.

    I personally think there are plenty of ways to make things interesting. Its not interesting to set up the same exact macerator for the 100th time though, imo apply the idea that makes Nukes awesome to the whole mod. Let players choose options that affect how things work.