Hi Im the developer of a mod called Valkyrian Warfare. Its basically Zeppelin mod but with Multiplayer and Physics.
What the hell kind of suggestion is this then!!?
~Im at a standstill in development because the airship entities each hold their own separate worlds inside of the Minecraft world. Though most other mods interact between multiple worlds with no problem, for some reason you guys added a crash when this tries to happen. None of the IC2 stuff works on airships
Please edit code here:
public final void sendComponentUpdate(TileEntityBlock te, String componentName, EntityPlayerMP player, GrowingBuffer data)
assert (!isClient());
//Delete Start
if (player.worldObj != te.getWorld()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mismatched world (te " + te.getWorld() + ", player " + player.worldObj + ")");
//Delete End
GrowingBuffer buffer = new GrowingBuffer(64);
DataEncoder.encode(buffer, te, false);
catch (IOException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
sendPacket(buffer, player);
Have a Hayo day btw