Posts by nitromad
This is my problem... I have 36MB/s download and .025 upload right now... charter has been out 3 times now and if not fixed by wednesday they will be out 1 more time... they have a repair crew working on the node... its bull and i am pissed, but i am at there mercy it works fine from about 8am-3pm then the world falls apart... they think it is the thermal gain control but they really have no idea a crew will be out 2morrow morning to replace it so we will see.
im on server now its pants
btw why the massive rollback ???
I may need to rebind my ip to the server, and my VPN is not authorized to that ip and my webmin is no s i am running ass out the window, if its on i can not see it, so i will have to do some work when i get home.
oh well cheers for update and your hard work. sadly for me i in uk so i won't be on by time it sorted today oh well . not your week is it good luck when u get home lol.