I wanna suggest a change for the machineblock that is used for a lot of tools but serves none itself.
My suggestion is the following:
If a machineblock is placed near a cable that is under current it will sap some eu from the cable and power all redstone thats directly next to the machineblock itself. I am thinking of a very tiny amount like 1 eu per redstone that is next to the block.
Now why would that be useful?
It would allow doormechanisms to work with switchcables sure, but is it worth the hazzle of coding? Well here is an idea of mine:
Automatic Streetlamps:
The top block is a solarpanel thats connected to a machineblock. Because there is light the machineblock will consume power and use it to power the redstone. The redstone in turn will make the switchcable (shown by the redblock) direct the current upwards.
Now when it turns night and the solarpanel stops to generate power the redstone will go offline. The switchcable will start to redirect the current through its bottom and start to light the luminators (shown as greyboxes).
Through this you can create streetlights that dont require human input to be turned on once it becomes night and will go out the momment the solarpanel collects sunlight again :D.
Since the Machineblock is allready added no extrarecipe would be needed.