Posts by scoin86

    I just do it like this:

    When the transformer is NOT receiving redstone power, it let's energy through to the mass fabricator. When the transformer IS receiving redstone power, it tries to send energy the other way, but since the mass fabricator doesn't produce energy, nothing happens.
    Just keep an eye on how much energy you have in your MFSU and turn the transformer on/off accordingly.

    it also works the same way when put on a eu storage like a batbox a lever will act like a on/off switch

    well this would all be well and good but why not start with some lower level things like a lava 'detector' so you dont happen to fall into lava and a scanner that would detect certain ores that you set it to and tell you where the closest one is like the 'rare' diamond

    i have also had the same problem and im running ic2 1.0 and the latest buildcraft/non stable versions and the only way i have found to relieve it is looking at the stars or looking straight down tho looking up helps best of the 2. i think it might have to do with the amount of pipes and wires placed but of course i also run on a laptop and normally only get the wire lag when trying to make a solar flower of immense proportions

    also dont forget that you can create most resources through the mass fab 9 UUM gets you 1 diamond tho it takes around 1mil eu per UUM but setting up about 50 solar panels will get you the energy to make them in about 8 cycles and you can always make more solar panels to increase the speed

    A cable's rating only determines the max packet size that can be sent through the cable. There is no limit to how many packets that can be sent.

    Personally I'd like to see the EU-Reader display Average Throughput, Average Packet Size, and Average Loss of all packets that pass through the wire.

    as said the cable can only support 512 eu going through it in a burst from that 1 point tho it can hold mutliple currents from different points but if you make a nuke reactor and get above that 512 eu threshold the cable will melt in which case you would go HV cable i believe as they can support a current over 1k EU i believe fiber cables are for range with average output tho i heard there are gonna be more cable types

    now i dont know if this has happened with anyone else but ive made a solar panel farm in straight lines and every so often 1 of the panels wont make any energy and will repeat after every cycle or so i guess causing me to add cable and replace the panel to get eu like it should tho im having to keep doing this ill post a pic in a bit if i can

    Are you playing in offline mode / without account?

    this will often happen if you happen to place one online/offline and go to either states from the other the chests will be locked and act like bedrock being unopenable and unbreakable tho you can place torches and things on them but yea if you place in offline then go online it will stay locked and vice versa

    now as i havnt played this mod yet im not sure but i am assuming the shrine is above ground its possible that the mobs are spawning underground with no opening to the surface so it stays stuck at that one wave being unable to comeplete it because the mobs cant get to the shrine