Posts by Tybot

    He always have a mass fabricator running remember? My bet its that he uses the UUM for converting it into lava, although i dunno if it gives an equal amount of energy or more pr less, never made the calculations for it.

    A bucket of lava will only produce 20,000 EU, and I don't know of any method of lava from energy that comes anywhere close that number. He'd be way better off just building additional storage if he's looking for power to get him through the night.

    Why does a the current HV solar panel have to produce 512eu/tick? It would be better to make them produce 20% less per tier to compensate for the fact it uses less space (and name will have to be changed accordingly).

    While that does take a step further to being balanced than it was before, all it would ultimately do is encourage them to build more to offset the difference. Truth be told, you should never feel like building 512 solar panels was ever a good option, and instead be utilizing other sources of power. If there are a half dozen different methods of power generation and you're only ever using 1 of them, then the balance is off.

    What you really need to be able to do, and I don't even know if this is possible within the constraints of the game, is to code either a hard or soft limit to how much solar you can harvest in a given area. Say, if you build a HV array, it's the only one that will work within 3 chunks or something. Or for every array in the area, it reduces the overall efficiency for all of them by a %. There has to be means of diminishing returns rather than a one-time or static penalty.

    Of course the idea of a concentrating solar plant that has been thrown around also adds increased footprint to the equation, which also would potentially serve that need as well.

    So wait... your issue with solars is that they are overpowered, not because of the materials needed, but because of the space? :rolleyes:

    Ummm... OK? You do that. Glad that your opinion isn't the final word. :P

    Well first of all, you're breaking Wheaton's Law . Second, YES. SCALE MATTERS. If server CPU wasn't an issue, then scalability would eventually catch up with you, forcing you to seek better options for large scale power generation, namely nuclear. As intended. These arrays have the unfortunate side affect of making it too easy to skip any other form of power generation and just sit there and pump out solars all day. Is making 512 solars expensive? Absolutely. But you can build them incrementally so there's no forethought or upfront cost necessary. And once you have enough juice running to the mass fab, (which be honest, is the only reason you need that much ungodly power in the first place,) the material costs become trivial.

    The only reason these things should exist at all is because of the server load. Which for the moment trumps game balance and therefore I still welcome the effort CPW is putting forth with open arms. But I hope I don't trivialize those same efforts when I say I hope IC will develop it's own more balanced solution eventually.

    Yeah, people don't typically take into account the wiring that's being saved as well. They are terribly OP, but they do serve a function, and short term it's the best solution we're going to get. I would like to see something more balanced someday but in the meantime, I'll settle for being able to see our SMP server upgraded in a timely fashion.

    Hey I have no problem having and making 40000 solar panel machines legit.

    And that's the problem. Not with you, with how power generation is set up. Of course you wouldn't mind making 40,000 solar panels. They don't need fuel, you can build them incrementally, they only have one downside which can be solved with storage blocks and more panels, and with arrays you can condense them down to a minimal footprint and less server hit with the paltry cost of a transformer. Why mess with a nuclear reactor if it's that simple and risk free?

    And there-in lies the issue. Making solar energy that easy negates any need for any other source of power. What you really want is something in between a solar panel and a nuke plant. A nuke plant takes a significant amount of infrastructure and setup to build, but in the end you're getting power from a single output. Game balance and server load both happy. Now take that and scale it down to something like a solar energy plant, like those in the desert that reflect sun to a central location. Has a large footprint, gives a challenge to set up and build, and produces power out of a single output. The downside to this of course is someone would have to develop it, but it's an idea.

    I utilize the Solar Arrays in Adv Machines in SMP, and while I definitely agree that server performance needs to be considered, I find that the upper tiers of solar arrays in this form are overpowered. It's too easy. There's no motivation for looking for alternative power like nuclear reactors if you can keep incrementally increasing your solar plant for cheap, fuel free power and just keep condensing them down into 2 or 3 blocks. There has to be a downside to balance things out, such as additionally required infrastructure or reduced efficiency.

    Also, I think we need more machines that take up significant amounts of power to run besides the mass fabricator to justify it. Because if you're building massive power farms, I can almost guarantee that 99% of that power is going straight into the massfab. Without middle tiers of power consumption there's no big need for middle tiers of power generation. Maybe the overclockers fill that role a little bit, but not really.