Posts by teamplur

    hey guys, kinda new here but i did notice you talking about breeders.

    here's one that i designed that has 0 heat gain/loss with ice being pumped in. it only takes one stack of ice being pumped in at about 1-3 per second. note that the design shows a water bucket, but it's actually an empty bucket. to gain heat, put a uranium cell in the bucket slot, you'll gain a steady amount of heat, then switch to a depleted isotope cell to slow the heat gain to about 25 per (reactor tick? second?), finally put in the empty bucket to stop the temp. i warm it up to 4999 or 5000 and it cooks the isotope cells pretty quick and puts out a decent bit of power. i've got 3 wooden engines pumping ice in, and then a obsidian pipe w/ wooden engine sucking up the extras and pumping them back to the chests that store the extra ice.
    oh also, if you want to raise the temp by 1 at a time take an empty bucket and remove one of the water blocks for a moment to raise temp very slowly.

    the water set up as 8 blocks of water below the reactor (1 block of sand)
    then it has 4 water blocks even with the ractor. (1 block of jacketed redalloy, 1 block bare redalloy wire, 1 block of HV cable, 1 wood engine for the obsidian pipe)
    above the chamber is 4 water blocks, 1 bare redalloy wire (holds back water) 1 buildcraft pipe(brings in ice), one obsidian pipe to pick up the extra ice.

    so do blocks count as air for cooling or not? i'm not sure, i just now that with this set up i can get it up to temp and just let it run.