Posts by Brandybeans

    Here are the results from that tool.

    If you're sure it's a vanilla MC error then no big deal.

    Thanks in advance to anyone that helps me.

    Some Background information. My friend and I were able to play on my server for many days until unplayable lag occurred. We would try and log on and get timed out or eventually timed out.

    Running a MC Server with IC2 1.64 and Buildcraft 2.2.12 mods installed. ModLoaderMp 1.1 v2 Server, minecraftforge-server- and Java 7 Update 2 64-bit also used on the host.

    When we attempt to join the server the server cmd is flooded with stack traces.

    Here are the system specs of the host.

    When I start up the server everything seems fine.

    Things I've done so far. Deleted all pumps in the game (possible pump bug?) and started the server with animals and monsters turn off under the server properties (possible entity lag?) Of course multiple restarts of the server and recompling the server jar and files.

    It seems the only thing that corrects the problem is starting a fresh new world. Was hoping to solve the issue on my world before investing time in another.

    Side note: There has been only two people playing on the server for less than a week.