there is a simpler way of adding security to the trade-o-mat without changing anything but how they are set up by the merchant. Just put it in a booth big enough for only one person to walk in use a iron door with the switch on the inside so the customer can close the door behind them. This is a already great mod and every time He has to change something because the users are not creative enough to work around some of the very minor issues. We the server owner have to spend hours fixing config files to get the new updates to work properly with other mods. I say if its not broke dont fix it. and the trade-o-mat isnt broke its just not set up right by the owner. ROFL it prolly the owner stealing the goods on another account and selling it back later.
Posts by Demonsoul109
Looks good so far but ya need to use the full potential of red power by using the cover plates to hide your wiring in the floor and walls. it will make your base look so much cleaner. we found an awesome way to hide our power source by using the BC quarry to mine out a 6x6 hole down to bed rock and filling it with ic2's water wheels then filling it with water. we put it far enough below the surface to prevent creepers from getting to it. or we have also quarried out in open water then installed the water wheels. Granted the nuke is better but it has to be maintained and fueled. water wheels never quit producing power and a big enough cluster will fill an MFSU in ten min or less.
Ive never tried using it for hiding lights cause we use red power also and it brings a whole new way of lighting things up. heres some examples.
this makes it look like drop ceiling
or you can use the micro blocks to wrap the lights
Hiding them in the floor using the colored lights works well also
or you can make chandeliers and street lights
update heres the last bridge and the end of the line. Although scaffolding wasnt used as a building material it was used to to help build it. I have to thank RP2 for the microblocks without them it wouldnt have came out with as much detail.
my server as of right now is only open to a few RL friends 7 people to be exact. So grieffers are not an issue at the moment. Besides the bridges are made of wood and can be just as easily lit on fire. So far i havent had any problems with creepers since i lit the bridges enough to keep them from spawning on them as far as the bases go no one really goes under the bridges but if it ever becomes a problem we use red power also and i can wrap the base pillar with sliced obsidian or elevate the base 2 or 3 blocks with reinforced stone. I mentioned their being a fourth bridge. The guy who was working on it lost internet for awhile so i went ahead and built it myself. I didnt use the scaffold in the construction but used it to help with the construction. ill post pics soon were doing server maintenance right now and i havent taken screens of it yet.
If it wasnt for IC2's bronze i would have had to mine for a year to get the iron needed to run the mine cart rails from beginning to the end. If you were to walk it. It would take you a full minecraft day to go from the glass building in the right side of the first picture to the end of the road which is at the end of another bridge some distance from the last picture. Another of our members is currently building that bridge in a different style
. Hes a good builder so ill have to see what he comes up with. As for the CF foam i tried it on the first bridge and hated it so i went with just the bare scaffolding.
The scaffolding is awesome to use for bridge building it has that engineered look and is so easy to use once you get the hang of it. No more jump stack, jump stack fall to your death. everyone on our server keeps a stack on them for climbing out of deep holes. Heres some screens of what ive done. Mind you this wasnt done in creative mode as with most of our builds on our server.