the server requires redpower and sdk's utilities. but they conflict with block id's 139 and 140. either tell me the right id's or get rid of sdk's utilities becuase its useless and a waste of block id's
Posts by storm37000
it says "unsupported class major-minor version 51.0" in my server console and it failes to load. can u fix it.
as long as u install all dependencies first IN ORDER OF LISTED and install all mods IN ORDER OF LISTED and change computercraft ids to whats said in post above above then ur fine. thats all i needed to do. if u dont have these mods installed and are too lazy to install them 1 by 1 then download the jar from the link in the post above.
thing is, i dont have that mod. I've never even heard of it =s tried deleteing the plugin from forestry.jar and it crashed starting mc.
ohh that is just a unneeded file that is not causing the problem u are experiencing. it is cheacking if that mod is installed and if it isnt the preconditions to do a functio arent met, that has nothing to do with ur problem.
answering 2 posts up: did u install all depedency mods like modloader, modloadermp, ect. DONT FORGET TO INSTALL MODS IN ORDER AS LISTED!.
answereing post above: try removing the twilite forest mod.
i cant join the server because i have a block id conflict between computercraft and forestry: block id 208 is used in forestry and computercraft with its floppy disk drive which is stupid and useless.