Posts by Apathyboy
I'm having a bit of trouble with the reactor heat exchangers. It seems like what would appear to be identical components are getting more than their fair share of heat and melting. I was trying to build this http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…92rkpz3abp9xu7jz3swjs95z9
As you can see, one of the heat exchangers melts for no reason, the other is fine. if I place 2 sets of cells and 2 exchangers it works ok
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…n3w1h4zlfe1ju14kzlivpk5mtScrewing around some more I got this, which makes absolutely no sense.
How can these components melt themselves in a reactor with no heat source at all? They're supposed to share heat equally with the hull. Once they melt themselves, the other components sit there fine. Replacing them with air/plating lets yields the same result of no components meltedI dont think it's the same as the bug/feature mentioned in this thread Uneven heating: bug or feature? because replacing the melting components with empty space results in no components melting. The lower components should be seeing the exact same reactor conditions as the uppers would have, since no component alters the reactor state before they're updated
heh, that was fast
, nice cut on the heat dispersers though, I'll put them in my 3rd reactor. Gotta use up all that uranium or I'll be tempted to start putting craters in the landscape.
A couple designs of my own devising, hopefully they're new
Mk 3, 3.67 eff, 67.71 eu/tick, less resources than the mk 3 on the first postMy attempt at a fast heating breeder
All components 0 to 9000 heat in less than 15 minutes
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…q=1k101010114010101001010 Heating configuraton (also almost a mk 3 with 3.77 eff)
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…y=1k101010114010101001019 stable