Posts by Luckbot

    i guess canned food doesn't need a hard buff... just like a chance for a random buff (and a lower chance for a random debuff maybe?)
    but nerfing the quantum helmet would be nice
    breathing underwater is enough in my opinion... and if not Al could add block braking normally underwater and/or better vision underwater
    or maybe even a helm-lamp if thats not too hard to code

    but food regeneration is just plain boring and makes to much items useless

    easiest way (imho) is to use a chain of MFSUs
    i prefer a few "energy towers" for mass storage
    every tower consists of 10 MFSUs in a row (or smaller towers if you like)
    the main cable goes threw the EV/HV->HV/MV transformation and is from then on transported in Fibre Glass
    the EU flows on the bottom of the first tower and then fills it from top to bottom
    that means the bottom will be filled last so you can see that this tower is full
    when a tower is full no current will flow
    over a detector+switch cable and an inverter you can transfer the energy to the next tower
    that way you see how much towers are filled (i added a redstone torch that glows at full towers to see it from a distance)
    and therefore guess an appox amout of eu you own

    well you confuse the process in a nuclear bomb with a nuclear reactor
    (caution some higher physics included)
    in an a-bomb 2 pieces of radioactive material are pushed together (with a little explosion) so they both together have more
    than the critical mass (the amout of material needed to start a chain reaction with high probability... this is so because not every neutron "hits" an unstable core and somethimes they just "fly through" them if they are too fast)
    in an nuclear reactor ANY amout of nuclear elements can be used but the more of them and the bigger they are the more neutrons will be produced (and the more water will be needed to control them) but you could even produce energy with a single uranium core because a slow neutron(to trigger the reaction) doesnt need the 200MeV that are produced in a single fission