Posts by bigbass1997

    Hello, first I would just like to identify myself. I am a Moderator on the EU server for GTNH and have been playing with this modpack for a few months with at least a month of in-game play time.

    In response to
    Blinzer's last post:

    I am not sure how far you actually got in the modpack, but the questing system is NOT required for player progression. If the player wants to figure out everything for themselves, they can choose to do that. The player does not have to depend on any of the rewards given by the quest book. In fact on the EU server alone there are a number of long time players who have never used the quest book.


    tell me when i can use a stone pickaxe

    Why would you want to use vanilla tools when you have Tinker's Construct tools available to you? Also if you looked in NEI, you can clearly see in the tooltip for all the vanilla tools that "This tool cannot mine anything! It can only be used for crafting". So the answer for you is never. You can never use the stone pickaxe and hope to actually be able to mine with it.


    only play with it in if you're a retarded monkey who finds thrill in
    completing 10 million asinine repetitive tasks that the game forces you
    to do for no other reason than "xd"(all of which revolve around waiting
    and standing completely still, w0w what fun), not to mention making the
    actual game completely pointless because the quest book does shit like"here let's trade 10 woods for carrots bcuz i'm k000ll xDDD"

    There are better ways to express your opinion than what you said here. Because you just insulted hundreds of people. And judging by all of your other posts on this forum alone, you do not seem to know how to convey constructive criticism without insulting people. Throughout your entire post on this thread, you did not once suggest any alternative way to setup quests. Ultimately you complained about having to craft something multiple times and that you can't use primitive vanilla tools and expanded it somehow to be three paragraphs long.

    Now in terms of the order of the quests and the requirements for each: The quest book, especially for the first couple tiers, tells you to collect/craft whatever because those are the things you need to progress. Whether you follow the quest book or not, for example you are going to need to make torches, but to make torches you need a coke oven and there's a quest for that. But to make a coke oven you need clay and sand, so there is a quest for that too. Not only this but if you actually READ the quests' descriptions, they explain why you are collecting this stuff. Why do you need a coke oven? to make torches, so here's the required materials to make a coke oven.

    Finally, I should address the belief that this modpack is just grind grind grind..
    This modpack complicates all of the recipes. Not to force the player to get thousands of diamonds, iron, etc, but to use many different processes to craft something in order to progress. It is not grindy, it is just many more steps than normal. But what's important to note is that these extra steps are different from each other. Each requires a different process, different recipes, different machines. And maybe those other recipes/machines also require many steps and so on. The longevity of the modpack is massively increased by this but at the same time doesn't make you want to quit due to boredom or due to too many repetitive tasks.

    This concept of many steps to finish something (instead of grind the same repetitive task over and over) also gives a great sense of accomplishment when you do finish something. Such as making the first rocket so you can access the Moon, often takes a single player weeks and the steps are spread over many different mods. But that moment when you finish the rocket, you feel great, you did it! And now you can experience a whole new set of challenges to overcome. Throughout the entire modpack, this is the same.

    I implore everyone to at least try out this modpack. Get through the first few tiers of progression and then decide if you want to quit or continue. This especially goes out to those of you who find themselves finishing other modpacks in a matter of a week or two. If you stick with it, this modpack will give you months of enjoyment and fun.

    If all else fails, if you don't like a specific aspect of the modpack, or if you run into any bugs/glitches, we are always welcome to suggestions and such on the Github repo.