Posts by obuw

    Hey all,

    First of all, really enjoying the modpack. Thanks for all your hard work.

    I'm in a singleplayer world, and I'm having trouble finding veins. I have gone through 10+ caves, dug down to bedrock and then dug in one direction for 1000+ blocks at y-level 11, and still have not encountered a single vein of any kind, not even coal. I've found a few single small ore blocks, and got a bunch of ingots from loot chests, quests and etc but not enough to make a hammer, so I can't prospect yet. I know veins are supposed to be rare, I'm used to the idea from terrafirmacraft, but I'm beginning to worry if they exist at all, or whether I overlooked a config option or something?

    I'm on the latest version (, singleplayer world (was created with "Realistic Alpha" world type).

    Edit: Finally found my first vein; Oilsand. Meh. But right after that, I found a large cassiterite vein. And then I found another one. Still need to find copper.