Looks like its time to update to the latest version of IC2!!!
Posts by Lazurkri
No update YET. Always the possibility of him doing one later on tonight.
Aww man, o well, id lose my other mods for this :p
I'd gladly sacrifice my other mods for this; Unfortunately, it seems like ID resolver hasn't gotten around to a Forge Update, so I'll have to remove damn near all my other mods to make IC2 work.
IDC though, IC2 for da winz!
Good news, the hard drive was intact. I'm currently updating Rocket Science to IC2 v1.90 and adding some new art assets (I absolutely hated the original model I created for the defense laser and radar; currently revamping it before upload). I probably won't finish the update tonight, but there's a very good chance of it being uploaded tomorrow.
But I'll have to Revert to 1.2.4, I'm on 1.2.5, and IC2 I cannot get to work with 1.2.5. BTW, anyone wondering if/when IC2 will be updated to 1.2.5?
Hmmn, I'd demand a share of the profits, and threaten calling the cops! but then again, thats just me....
Good to hear you still have all your data! I eagerly look forwards to a update!
and that is why i just buy bulk flash drive for $5 each when ever i see them no matter the size
super data redundancy. it could be worse you could have been hosting your projects on megaupload
True enough. I keep all my backup data on a ruggidized hard drive that I've dropped off my desk many times and still worked
sg1 skipped straight to naquadria before doubling back for naquadah and fusion
I believe they called it their "shortcut to hyperspace technology"? also even with the carter version project arcturas its incomplete because eventually you will load up a universe that is doing something on the other side that makes a big boom. now if you combine parallel-carters idea with elderly-homeuniverse-carters "reverse a time dilation field" idea you can use the energy released from the explosion to send information back in time to tell the machine "skip over this universe"
Wrong; they used Naquadah reactors BEFORE they used Naquadria. And IDK what you're talking about with regards to the stuff about carter....
A mess of redstone, RedPower, and Mark V's.
OT: The naquadah souds like fun. Of course, it would need some sort of use. Maybe a naquadah bomb?
You mean, you want it to do more than turn a regular old nuke into a bomb from hell as well as amplifying any power sources its exposed to?
I like how you think.......
Wow, and now MineCraft is 1.2.5! damn, why does this keep happening? I mean, a bunch of mods I was using back in 1.1 and 1.2 haven't updated to 1.2.4 or even 1.2.3!
So, planning on upgrading to 1.2.3 still or skipping and going straight to 1.2.5? Personally, I've upgraded to 1.2.4, so I'd like to be able to play around with fusion reactors again....
I'll still wait patiently no matter what happens, though.
I like how we've mentioned Project Arcturus, Zero Point Modules, Antimatter, and the Dimensional Bridge from stargate, yet noone has mentioned Naquadah....
i mean, ZPM's are nothing more than insanely big batteries... as I understand it, once created they can't be recharged ( that we know of), but Naquadah reactors, at least as far as we know, provide much more power than a nuclear reactor (According to the "Description of" page, a Tau'ri built one has the explosive force of around 20 kilotons, in a device small enough to be man carried) but as Naquadah is rare, having something similar in wouldn't be too OP.... plus since it amplifies energy, it'd make mining it a whole lot more interesting...
I mean, I use ITNT for mining.... which if I accidentally hit a pocket of Naquadah ore (or if someone was overly sadistic, Naquadria, which is realllllly unstable as hell) would result in a big boom. Be more dangerous to mine, no?
BTW, and a little off topic, I'm surprised no one has proposed or really made any star gate themed Mods yet... I mean, It'd be cool if the teleporters were ring platforms, no? Plus it'd be fun to fire a Ma'tok staff at creepers....
I have the feeling that this Mod is dead.... I mean, it was originally prototyped back in 1.0, and we're on 1.2.4 now, plus the creator hasn't said a peep for quite a while...
You mean like in the Topictitel where Addon 1.71 means that it´s an Addon for IC² 1.71?
Or in the Changelog? something like "v0.84: Compatibility with IC2 v1.71. Partial SMP support."
Or maybe in the post linked to in the fat, red, huge letters allmost right at the top of the mainpost?Yeah right, why doesn´t kentington state anywhere that this addon is not compatible with Minecraft 1.2.4 or IC² 1.9?
Likely because he's a very busy man. Plus I think he likes ensuring that people read most of the posts before posting.....
Damn, and I just updated to 1.2.4.... well, good thing I have saved copies of all my .Jars and crap.....
Thank you very much!
Sorry, we can't find "www.filedropper.com/industrialcraft-2-clientv190". Please check the spelling of the web address."
Is what happens when I click on the "Download Client" link in the 1.90 release page.
Time to update to 1.2.4!
Well, now induscraft has upgraded to 1.2.4.... so are you still going to update to 1.2.3 or skip and go straight for 1.2.4?
Meh who needs to clone Steve? The villagers shall be my slaves muhaha!
True! If I can't have my armies of identical Steves, I can still have my army of slave warriors!
Unfortunately, cloning Steve isn't exactly feasible, but the cloning vat will serve as a legitimate way to acquire spawn eggs and duplicate crops, saplings, etc.
Damn! there goes my evil plan to become Emperor Lazurkri!
Combine refrence?
Star Wars Attack of the Clones, actually, but the Combine one works too!